
There’s nothing to gain by being outed as the “bad guy” who doesn’t want his workplace to be daycare. Especially when it’s pretty likely that LaRoche is the kind of bible thumper who would take to Twitter and say things like you’re anti-family and hate Jesus.

Here’s what I love about Future: he’s unabashedly emotional for a guy who comes from the area he comes from. I don’t know if it’s the self-medication from the lean, or what, but he makes the type of music that Cudi was making when he was actually good. On the track Jersey, from WATTBA, he basically admits his hatred

First time I listened to DS2 I turned it off after 5 or 6 tracks and thought, “what a fraud. This shit sucks”. Now I’m a fringe member of #futurehive. What turned it around was something not at all mentioned in this article: Future is fucking hilarious.

I forgot how hype “Same Damn Time” gets me every time I hear it. Perfect song for when your losing steam at the gym

My point is this that there hasn’t been an iota of skepticism applied to this “people hate Cam Newton b/c he’s black” narrative.

I just remember him saying “I want to be an icon, an entertainer.”

All-NBA Unlikable Team:

Good fucking riddance.
The man is a grade A colossal douchebag