
I hope you’ll indulge a correction on his character description in Oz, because it was too good to get wrong. Perry played Jeremiah Cloutier, an evangelical preacher convicted of embezzling funds from his church. He continues his preaching in prison and attracts several members of the Aryan Brotherhood. After angering

What the fuck am I looking at here.

RIP, Mr Perry. Alongside Jordan Catalano and Spike, you leaned on the 90's highschool locker hallway of my heart with the best of them.

Now playing

My first understanding of who Luke Perry was came from this scene from Clueless: “[Cher is] saving herself for Luke Perry.”

So sad. I will be watching my Buffy the Vampire Slayer Blu-Ray (original movie) in his honor.

It was worse for me, cause I thought he was dissing the lead singer of Poison. But that’s Brett Michaels.

Samer Kalaf, is that you?

Literally nothing worthwhile has ever been accomplished via trolling. It is a childish, useless endeavor that does more to diminish the troll than to tear down the victim. It’s beneath any reasonable human being, and should be far beneath anyone claiming to call themselves a “professional journalist.”

Um, it has nothing to do with Stephens’ bad views and everything to do with Kalaf expressing himself with the maturity of a 2 year old. What I can’t believe is his absolute lack of self awareness because I don’t know what he sees in the above exchange but all I see is Kalaf getting his ass handed to him, like Ka Mai

I’m all for being aggressive, but calling someone a moron isn’t saying anything worthwhile, and isn’t doing anything to counter their shitty ideas. It’s just trolling, and it’s a childish waste of time. The idea that a so-called “professional journalist” would not only engage in pure childish trolling, but then

So Stephens took the high road and you wrote a bunch of emails that look like they could have been written by an angry 12 year-old, and you actually think that by writing this and copying those emails and publishing them, we’re going to take your side?

Good example of how the progressive movement mirrors the Tea Party so much. Which when you think about it, really isn’t their fault. A lot of these people are too young to remember a time pre-9/11 before our national discourse got all Fox Newsy and America in general shifted right. This type of shit, the purity tests,

I'm a little pissed off at the adults of the Sunrise Movement who edited the video and used these kids as pawns. Listen, Sen. Feinstein isn't perfect, but she is far more progressive than some of the other asshats in the Senate. Liberals shouldn't be hacks who edit video to vilify anyone, it makes you like

I personally love this game! Despite it’s minor bugs (which I rarely see on XB1X) and the CONSTANT whining about them, it’s a pretty solid game. I work a lot, also have a wife & kid, but a no time during my playing experience do I feel left behind due to my character level being average (in comparison to those in the

All of these lukewarm, liberal neocons, with politically expedient reversals of practice and belief, who in any other modern country would be right of center, are the ones that need to GTFO

I am going to bust out my vintage PEROT! button. If we're gonna get crazy, let's get. cRaZy.

Same. Also, not just too old. Too many questionable comments about race, including one hella recently. And then there’s the matter of not responding quick enough to sexual harassment in his campaign. And, has he ever commented on the toxicity of some of his (male) supporters?

I eagerly await using the ‘mute’ button judiciously on my FB newsfeed. Thanks, white male relatives!

That seems like it would be worse, as an independent he would take votes from the D candidate in the general.  Let him get beat in the primary, D’s will still lose votes from Bernie Bros that are upset that he didn’t win, but I would assume that would be the lesser evil. 

Ugh, I remember that guy. He was either a Russian bot, a Republican plant or just a massive moron. Once he argued that the Supreme Court would be okay if Hillary lost because the Democrats were going to win the senate anyway in 2016. I have been posting in the grays on various burner accounts on Gawker/Jezebel for