The Blair Witch doesn’t even show the witch, A+ scary movie that’s not actually very scary
The Blair Witch doesn’t even show the witch, A+ scary movie that’s not actually very scary
You are no doubt too young to know this, but back in the early 80s Disney had a few PG-rated movies and some of them were fairly scary. (Full disclosure - I, too, am a giant baby who is easily scared.) The best of these movies was “Watcher in the Woods” (which featured Betty Davis!). Genuinely scary, but not too…
I love scary stuff but I got some good less-scary ones!
I’m also in this boat and I thoroughly enjoyed “The Frighteners” back in the day. Not sure how well it’s aged now, though.
Sorry couldn’t edit my other comment. I will say this as well. The worst customer harassment came from the rich guys at the high end places I worked. When I first started working at one I was larger. It was one of my high weight yoyo moments. Most of the men either looked through me like I wasn’t there or ignored me.…
I posted this on another thread - every woman I know has been sexually harassed in some way in the workplace. I’m an old so it was much more tolerated when I was starting out as a professional but it’s really disgusting. I have so many stories just myself. I reported one when I was working at a law firm in the late…
Got an email over LinkedIn today from someone with which I had no connection..said “I’ve never done this before, but you’re really pretty...” it threw me into a RAGE. I forwarded it to my husband, saying “this is what women go through- 23 years as an executive in my industry reduced to ‘you’re really pretty’. FUCK NO.…
Hey all y’all who didn’t vote, here are the consequences of elections. Neil Gorsuch, implosion of one-sixth of the economy, pre-emptive war, indifference from DoJ to anyone not in power, and tax cuts for rich people are on the menu because of your inaction.
So did Bourdain get news about his gf being sexually assaulted by Weinstein the same time as the rest of? As far as I can tell, he began his lambasting only when it became national news. But now he’s laying into Hillary for not being more outspoken about the matter? Fuck off Bourdain.
Isn’t that vanilla pudding?
He looks like Leslie Nielsen, if Leslie Nielsen just had his nuts bit off by a Laplander.
Never knew his name, but yes, he was everywhere! (And was instrumental to informing my attraction software.)
“Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.”
Ha! You just explained my role at work to perfection. I feel your pain, Kristin!
That’s the face of someone who’s had to deal with two people who hate each other using her as their vent about the other person.
Get me out of here, send help
Bless you! On behalf of readers everywhere, I thank you for making so many good stories actually readable.
He also claims, “E. L. James is no better or worse a writer than most of her compeers,” which is news to me, as a prolific romance reader who couldn’t make it halfway through the first Fifty Shades book.
Just one quick point — a lot of self-published authors hire professional editors. I am one of them (the editors, I mean). Granted, a lot of self-publishers are crap and refuse to pay for editing (or pay much ... I’ve lost out on a lot of jobs because I charge actual professional rates), but it’s not fair to paint all…
If a woman writes an in-depth novel about human relationships, it’s romantic trash. If a man writes the same thing, it’s a searing study of the human condition; it’s Litrahture.