I want to live in a world where Peggy Whitson is the biggest celebrity in America, which she deserves to be.
I want to live in a world where Peggy Whitson is the biggest celebrity in America, which she deserves to be.
Thing is, Lord of the Flies was a response to a particular conceit of British pulp novels which depicted young boys/men being stranded as a fun adventure with little internal conflict. Golding took the subject of entitled British boarding school boys and the kind of savagery he saw in how they acted with each other…
Bargain bin Benedict Cumberbatch ass
I’m sorry; I can’t get on board. The original Heathers was perfect. No one asked for this bullshit.
How stupid do Fox News viewers need to be to believe that there is some secret conspiracy of Democrats trying to throw our borders wide open to damage this country? Because that’s what Michelle Malkin--a golem composed entirely of beef jerky and blind racial hatred—is doing.
But telling them it’s all fake news diminishes other news sources. They aren’t getting vital information if they’re watching hannity scream about fake news for an hour.
Yeah, I’m sure a big fan was blowing wind so that BIG BREAD and BIG BOTTLED WATER could line their pockets, smh.
I really wish you would point out how much danger it’s put their audience in to teach them the news lies. How many didn’t evacuate or prepare a adequately because “Trump says it’s fake news so what else are they lying about?! They’re blowing this up to sell stuff and make money!”
i love this. i love when people (celebs or normal) let down their guards and just geek out about stuff like this. because it IS cool. it was a fun day, and i’m glad SJP had a fuckin blast.
as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.
OMG, how clueless am I — here I was trying to figure out why suggesting that racists’ “women” love watching the BBC would be such an insult. All I could come up with was that the BBC produces quality television that intellectuals like.
God, I’m old as fuck.
I live in St. Louis and open carry is legal. After Ferguson, there was an open carry rally put on by the tea partiers (obviously meant to intimidate). Some folks from North City showed up with THEIR firearms (and their melanin) and suddenly the open carry tea partiers weren’t that interested in holding that freedom…
Posted this yesterday on the giz article.
So, what is it with period pieces that they absolutely MUST have an illicit affair? Maybe I’m a big, stuffy jerk, but can they not cover any other topics? It gets old after a while and I find myself losing interest in the whole genre.
You might want to hold off on that civics lesson, because hate speech absolutely is, to a large extent, protected by the First Amendment, at least as it has been interpreted over the last 70 years or so.
As a 100% ashkenazi jew with almost no blood relatives because of the holocaust, you’ll get zero sympathy from me. If I changed my name to Mackenzie Smith, nobody would know my jew ass from Adam.
Donate if she has enough money. She can donate to organizations that work on behalf of groups she does not belong to like Black Lives Matter, NAACP, United We Dream, etc. I am not a white woman but I still try to read as much as I can about the oppression that different groups experience in America and to read…
So GoDaddy was totally cool with DailyStormer up until now?