
Maybe I’m weird but I’m more disgusted by paparazzi stalking and photographing random old people minding their own, than by the above IG pics on a waterslide.

I guess the congressman is not aware that what was inflicted upon Jews was done by a nominally Christian (Catholic, but in the same family as those who believe in the divinity of Christ) nation on a non-Christian ethnic group (as well as other discriminated classes). The idea that speaking about a religious war and

Uses the word “homeland” unironically in a video shot in a gas chamber.
I just....I don’t....what even?

I wouldn’t be surprised. And I guess it doesn’t bother me all that much. As far as I can tell her music is mostly harmless pablum. In 10 years people will be telling her she’s too old, too fat, too whatever. In terms of “monetizing the fun one is having in her 20s,” I’ll take TS over Paris Hilton and friends getting

Completely agree. I think it’s quite sad that essentially we’re celebrating women having to duck back under the parapet, because God forbid she enjoy her celebrity/youth.

“She’s being more careful this year. She’s learning.”

What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.

guys your tinfoil hats are showing. You’ve never been to a big party where someone you didn’t like disagreed with was at?

Well they have to work with each other if they expect to get anything done. Do you understand how government works? Literally nothing would get done if politicians fought 24/7. Do you fight with your coworkers when you disagree with them about something? Do you throw a hissy fit when they don’t do what you want

So, the solution to division and polarization is...more division and polarization? Yeah, OK.

“We’re out here fighting each other” online and in political circles. Few people are going to their grocery story and getting into fights w/ their fellow Trump/Clinton voting shoppers. Few people are breaking into arguments at the club over Trump/Clinton while Despacito is blasting in the background. Like I get what

You’re out there fighting people? Like literally? Why can’t they go to a fucking party together? Since when has that ever been a rule?

If you were trying to “educate yourself” you would have researched this before you started to spew out you bile of idiocy. You’re just playing the Devil’s Advocate so that you can continue to justify what has at this point basically turned into victim blaming.

Hell, she hasn’t even begun to lower herself to his level. She just called him an asshole. He has more or less launched a campaign of death threats and doxxing on her.

I really can’t believe this Gamergate shit is still going on. And I also cannot believe the number of people in these comments who believe they are being rational and magnanimous in saying that Sarkeesian was in the wrong here. This shit is truly exhausting.

People have doxxed her and sent her death threats because of asswipes like Sargon. Her calling Sargon an asshole does not even begin to put her on his level. It’s dickholes like you and the OP of this thread who keep insisting on playing the Devils Advocate and do nothing but wag their fingers at the victims for

Shitheels like Benjamin love to claim that they don’t endorse anything their followers do to women (they just profit from it), and deny all responsibility with a winking “now don’t anybody go misbehave because of my videos, y’hear?” It’s a bad-faith, transparent argument. I’m glad Sarkeesian still calls out him and

You think shitbirds are safe from being called out just because they take a five minute break from being shitbirds? No.

Sarkeesian would later tell Polygon that she “certainly [has] no regrets” about calling Benjamin out. “This is a man who has spent years driving harassment toward me and other women online,” she said. “Under the circumstances, considering his pattern of behavior and everything he’s put me and others through, I’d say

The official VidCon response to the situations was a well rounded rational one.