
I don’t really think it’s garbage at all. They had the first women majority legislature in 2008. If I recall, their Senators and Congresspeople are all Democrats. They didn’t vote Orange. There is a bit more of a right wing/Libertarian undercurrent than the rest of New England, but it’s still better than most states.

And NH loves you when you bring your sweet, sweet dollars to shop tax-free!

I freakin’ love NH. And not just for the liquor stores, although they help a lot.

I still live here (got away for a bit and got sucked back). I think there was always a bat shit crazy contingent but the Free State Project (if not familiar, google and prepare to be amazed) has definitely added a very libertarian base to the state and they are actively trying to get into state government. There is

The purposeful movement of libertarians and republicans from MA and VT has been detrimental to local, small gov’t, while the national disgrace that is the recent election of a fecal federal government has emboldened a lot of backwoods rednecks into thinking their wife-beating, “n-hating” opinions matter.

I thought that the Patriots’ stadium was the butthole of New England

New Hampshire born and raised here. Really hurt by hearing NH referred to as “the taint of New England.” It’s not nice to insult everyone in the state over politics.

Yes, RI is the taint.

Now playing

Let’s not forget Trump’s bat shit crazy Granite State squeeze Al Baldsaro.

Hard pass. Mostly because R&B isn’t my jam, but also because the kid’s a total douche-trough and I don’t want to inadvertently like something he’s released.

Now playing

When it’s slowed down 800%, it’s actually quite ethereal.

Justin Bieber makes beautiful what?

Currently living in CT, can confirm

That’s for sure.

Maine is the crazy uncle living in our attic we don’t talk about.

New Hampshirites:

Please, Connecticut is the taint of New England. New Hampshire is the unkempt public hair.

Wow CNN, WaPo, and the NYT all happened to cover the woe is me Democratic reaction, ignoring anyone with a brain who understands what an epic victory it was. Not since 1990 has that district been nearly that competitive, it’s like failing to turn Kansas into a Blue state by 2% of the vote. One of their strongest

Wait, I thought April Ryan was just going to call them up and arrange a meeting for him, given all black people know each other?

UK Update: