
SECONDED!!!! It looks beautiful and creepy. I’m in like Flynn.

Is there a release date? Need to mark calendar with a big black heart.

I am SO ready for a creepy women’s revenge movie. Especially one directed by Sofia Coppola. Everything in the news lately makes me want to pick up a saw and an anatomy book and get busy. This will be wonderfully cathartic.

Saaaaaame! Mr Squiggles loves Colin Farrell. He’s totally bewitched by the man’s eyebrows.


Kind of sad that she died at the height of when efforts on behalf of women are being eroded away. I can’t imagine what it is like for all the people who fought for civil and women’s rights over the past 40+ years. They know damn well where this slippery slope is leading.

You guys ever post something online and/or here and instantly regret it?

You guys ever post something online and/or here and instantly regret it?

No. You did not read what I wrote. If fewer GOP voters go to the polls because they’re disillusioned by the GOP clusterfuck, they will lose. GOP voters hate Elizabeth Warren. They will go out to vote against the uppity broad from Massachusetts in droves and then they will win.

The GOP hate Elizabeth Warren with a fiery passion. It will not serve us to run another candidate that is so divisive out of the gate. It could mobilize the voters that Trump is currently working so hard on de-mobilizing. I like our liberal warriors in the Senate and moderates as POTUS candidates.

She’d make a great President, but she wouldn’t be elected; she epitomizes the urban liberal elite. Every nuance of her voice and her mannerisms broadcast that, and despite her strong commitment to working class issues the working class would not feel comfortable around her. Her mannerisms show that in a way that even

Be as annoyed as you like with Swinton, but this is a Bong Joon Ho film. She’s one of the co-producers. Bong is also one of the producers, as well as co-writer and director. Bong is a major, MAJOR director. This is not a B movie, it’s a big freakin’ deal.

Umm its by one of South Korea’s most respected directors, and its premiering in competition at Cannes soon. I would hardly call it “b movie crap.” Save your outrage for something else...

My nephew posted on Facebook most eloquently, “I can’t wait for the new season of ‘Who wants to testify against their boss to prevent going to Federal prison’ airs on CSPAN.

Fast-forward to 2021, when angry lefties and Greens remind us that of course Michelle Obama was a flawed candidate who never could have won, with all her scandals about kale and being proud and showing-her-arms-gate, and how shrill she was and just unable to seem like a regular guy, I mean person.

So, when Scalia died, all my friends were like, WHOO HOO! PARTY TIME IN AMERICA! I quietly said nothing, and although I agreed with the sentiment that the SCOTUS and country are better off without him anywhere near a position of power, I recognized that he was still a human person deserving of basic human dignity (we

lol Sure thing Sunshine. Thanks for stopping by. Good luck with moose and squirrel.

I’ve had a crush on Chris Cornell since I was 12.

Balls to that. You try to take my Key Lime Flip away from me and I’ll cut you like bad bangs.

I would have personally chosen to call him a “Huge Shithole” in the headline, but I also feel it’s our unique ways of thinking that make Gizmodo Media Group’s diverse portfolio of online platforms so compelling.