
The inauguration isn’t about celebrating any particular person’s rise to power... it’s about celebrating the peaceful transition from one leader to another. It’s the entire basis of democracy. If you don’t respect that ideal, then you’re letting in the notions we can have ingrained dictatorship or oligarchy

Nah, I’m just going to do something that’s actually helpful instead of bullying nonpartisan organizations for little girls.

Every human society since like the creation of society has had traditions. The human animal likes tradition. It makes us feel connected to the past. Yes, there are bad traditions and we shouldn’t accept traditions without a critical eye. However, rejecting the concept of tradition is unrealistic and silly at best.

I am fine with it because only the Girl Scouts that want to participate are participating. Not every Girl Scout is from a liberal family. I would be happier if the Girls Scouts boycotted the Inauguration, but I am not going to stop buying cookies.

Oh, spare us the bullshit.

It’s not forced tradition if they aren’t forced to go. Marching in an innaugual parade isn’t really the same as some other traditions fading such as let’s say the circus which has a clear and constant downside. If the Girl Scouts were marching for Hilary’s inauguration we wouldn’t complain. I wish it weren’t for

I’m a Girl Scout, troop leader, and service unit volunteer. It states quite clearly in the volunteer guidelines that GSUSA in a non-political and non-partisan organization. Personally, I am not happy with this decision but I understand where they are coming from.

He’s president. I hate it, you hate it. But at the end of the day, the inauguration isn’t about him, it’s about our Democratic ideals and our belief in the peaceful transition of power, even when it goes to people we disagree with or despise. So I stand with Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and,

Our asshat of a governor here in Maine (LePage) went on a little tantrum about Pingree not attending calling on her to resign.

While some camps made a weak effort to conceal their murderous operations, Sobibor was clearly a death camp: prisoners were often taken straight from the trains to the gas chambers. After an uprising in October 1943, Nazis destroyed the camp and attempted to eradicate all evidence of the killings. But researchers have

You’re advocating the rhythm method as a viable form of contraception. Your youth pastor is not a good source of sexual health info.


Honest to god, I am so sick to death of men in this country not being able to at least attempt to understand that women’s reproductive care is HEALTH care. It’s not about whoring or personal choices. It’s about medical care. It’s about regulating our hormones so that we have some control over the medical processes of

But you aren’t having constructive, meaningful conversations. You’re comparing our bodies to your race car. Several women have noted that there are many reasons Women use BC that have nothing to do with Sex, and you haven’t once acknowledged those statements. Sorry if you are feeling attacked, but truthfully, you

So, if this is your true belief, you aren’t going to have sex with any women, right? Unless you help them pay for their birth control? Or are you one of those guys that think because it is the woman who gets pregnant you shouldn’t have to deal with any of the contraceptive stuff and it’s not your problem if a

So do people with health insurance. I pay for health insurance every month. I don’t have sex. Still take birth control. I’ve been off my birth control for a couple of months because my prescription ran out and I couldn’t get to the doctor until last week. I am on my period right now and my ovaries and uterus are

So married people should have sex only to have children and not to maintain a healthy relationship? K.

So when your wife says “Not until after menopause, honey, I don’t want any more kids,” what are you going to do?

If I buy this town, will it include that one crazy guy’s house that’s full of land mines and booby traps that release giant scorpions? If so, sold.

Of all the towns from Fallout: New Vegas you could buy, Nipton?