
Hell, I’m having an intense desire to beat his ass right now. And then ask him to prove it happened and that I ever existed in the first place.

Yes, and various permutations, with punctuation moved around, e.g.

Fuck this fuck.

Fuck. This...fuck.

It’s Friday, I’m barely working, and I have the time and the thick skin needed to throw out this statement:

If you’re a complete masochist, Kurt Eichenwald and Newsweek are doing an incredible job of reporting on Trump’s conflicts of interest, general bullshittery and what is possibly at stake. A sampling that will be sure to lead to hair loss and sleep deprivation:

A little O/T but I think I’ve found a way to survive the next four years, by combining our two favorite topics: kittens and politics. Because I can’t look at that bloated, orange fascist for one moment longer.

Showing my age to say The Beastie Boys did it before then at the MTV Awards with Adam Yauch grabbing the stage from Michael Stipe. No one thought it was cute then either.

Harvey Weinstein.

What’s the Over/Under on how long it will take for Trump to attack Professor Clark on Twitter?

Yep. I really liked what Bernie added to election and the issues he worked to bring to the forefront, but I knew that voting for him in the primary was a gesture and that Hillary was getting the nomination.

I had this thought about a lot of younger democrats. My first election was Bush vs Kerry. I wasn’t particularly excited about Kerry, but I fucking hated Bush and couldn’t stand that he was our leader and representative to the world. My foray into voting was an election where I had to make a pragmatic choice I wasn’t

Nostalgia. Remember when we didn’t think it could get any worse?

Unfortunately I just googled Henry Kane.

This woman, Ann Dowd, gives one of the finest performances by any actress that I have ever seen anywhere. What she says in the first season of this show, without saying a single word, could fill the Bible. She is remarkable.

I fucking love this show so much and just cross-my-fingers hope that this final season will be as great as the last. And if you don’t like the show I don’t care and why are you here.


Sarah MacLean, so much Sarah MacLean!

ELIZABETH HOYT! Maiden Lane Series - Wicked Intentions; Grace Burrowes - any one of her myriad books is amazing; Maggie Osborne - Silver Lining (Westerns but such fabulous writing); Sarah MacLean - Nine Rules to Break; Bec McMaster - Kiss of Steel (historical but in an alternate universe); Eloisa James; Julia Quinn

Kindly read the 4,000+ word history I just spent months writing explaining why that is a gross oversimplification before you comment.