Okay. I think that sometimes in long relationships, even when you go through hellish things, you can retain an incredibly strong friendship and partnership. Maybe I’m wrong, (it’s been known to happen!), but I’ve always felt that with them.
Okay. I think that sometimes in long relationships, even when you go through hellish things, you can retain an incredibly strong friendship and partnership. Maybe I’m wrong, (it’s been known to happen!), but I’ve always felt that with them.
I just tried liking Ice T’s tweet on Jezebel.
Was that the one where one of the dads found a box spring in the woods or something and they slept on it all season and when they got found out, he was like, “I didn’t know this was not allowed.”
Do you guys remember that TV show where different families had to live in New England as if it were the 17th C and NO ONE cut down anywhere close to enough wood for the winter?
“I’m blocking you because I have good boundaries and I respect myself.”
She is not an actress with a ton of range, but she does have such a gentle aura about her that comes through in every role. One of my favorites was her med student character in Saint Elmo’s Fire. She doesn’t have much to say or do other than basically be ethereal, but she is perfect for the job. I couldn’t find my…
Back when we both lived in Asheville, I shared a gyno with Ms. MacDowell and for TWO YEARS IN A ROW I had the appointment right after her. It’s the closest I’ll ever come to having sex with a celebrity.
I’m going to answer, or at least comment, again in a separate post because I think you’re getting the impression I don’t care what she did or I’m taking it lightly.
All of my grandparents are dead but I understand what you’re asking. Yes, I’d feel safe. No, being 70 doesn’t preclude her from falling under the spell of a nut any more than it does any of us. It’s been 50 years. It was a different time and her crime wasn’t being in the thrall of a maniac, it was murder.
Clearly my opinion is in the minority, but honestly are we just completely abandoning the idea that prison is for rehabilitation? Or at least, it is supposed to be-the way the US has designed it makes it much more difficult.
Former veterinary nurse here. Were all three teeth on the same side? Do you know which ones they removed? And do you have a baby scale? The vet surely weighed him before the procedure. He could have lost weight or be dehydrated. Is he eating normally? I’d watch him eat and see if he favors one side or chews in a…
In this case it would be a changeling.
I cannot imagine a more obvious waste of taxpayer money than the National fucking Guard flying a fucking military helicopter over residential neighborhoods looking for singular marijuana plants and then going and retrieving them one by one.
Hope he’s back in the pursuit of happiness soon.
Seriously, Master of Puppets or GTFO
I’m so ridiculously thankful to have attended college before social media existed.
Okay *taking notes* these are my biggest nightmare scenarios.
Don’t watch World’s Greatest Dad if you don’t want to have PTSD.
How did you address that?
Tis an ill wind that doesn’t blow some good.