no just your every day average bmw driver
no just your every day average bmw driver
pew pew pew
half *second*
How DARE YOU buy a truck that fits your needs and budget!
Your assumption that, as an amputee, his life is somehow less fulfilling than yours, is offensive. And indicative of your ablist mindset.
<$30k OTD, isn't a GM shitbox, and tows my S2000 with a trailer.
Nope, just the other side of the coin. I guess the difference is its not the 90s so gang violence and crime aren’t the focus.
Innocent drivers dying when his tires, brakes, or suspension proves not up to the task.
Camber, stretched tires, and (assumed) stock brakes does not a tow vehicle make. If it were a stock Baja, I’d say go for it. With the most important safety bits already pushed beyond any feasible safety margins, towing above the stock rated capacity is a definite no go. You might get away with one of those 500 lb…
There are 2 within 25 miles of Boston!
What kind of American would buy a Chevy Cruze when you can have a Camaro for under $20,000?
I’d like to think that one controls the driver’s side wheels and the other controls the passenger’s side. Kind of like a tank.. That way if you put one in drive and the other in reverse you spin joyously for as long as the fuel holds out.
Too much gell and a jawline beard... who woulda thought this was the guy driving a murdered out Silverado and acting like a dickhead?
Seriously, come on over!
Yeah, people in government are ‘more equal ‘ than the rest of us.
Yeah. Breaking car windows is all well and good to save a dogs life. But, you never know what hell you might (puts on sunglasses) unleash.