AV Nerd

Weak clickbait. Jill was the one that made the innuendo instead of just correcting her typo and keeping it strictly professional; Daniel just responded in kind - and not even in as creepy a manner as a lot of people might have (he even made a winky face! Ha ha ho ho!). But that was a good move on her part ending the

"That 'child' was just a few years short of being an adult, and was already practicing wielding a gun! Also, this man-child looked like a scary demon and almost made me trip and get an ouchie on my cheek like my brave compatriot in Ferguson."

Same in NYC. Every rental I ever drove there (mostly Enterprise & a few Hertz) had one in the trunk or cargo area

Definitely the lack of awareness; that's how people get killed. Lack of respect for traffic laws is still a shitty thing, but if that person is very AWARE then it's really not a big deal on an individual basis. You can "safely" do 100mph down a well-lit, well-maintained highway with no obstacles within your braking

That very young drivers are the worst, statistically, doesn't mean that very old drivers aren't the second worst (assuming sobriety). There is of course the annoyance of a rolling roadblock caused by slow driving, which can snarl traffic and lead to other accidents by people trying to get around them. More

I was thinking of technological ways to limit the inappropriate or unsanctioned use of phones in the classrooms. A few well placed infrared blasters would make it very difficult to take any pictures, but they would of course quickly be vandalized. For access to FaceBook or other apps that won't do a Geo-lock like

Plausible deniability is fine, but is just a hair away from negligence, especially if you are responsible for supervising the students on the property

So I guess every student in the school needs to apply to be a part-time student newspaper/yearbook photographer

"selfies depict people doing things that are liabilities" - if I were a school administrator, I would personally welcome any technology that gives me evidence as to who is participating in such behavior and what teachers/supervisors are allowing it to happen. The trick to avoiding liability yourself is to make sure

That goes both ways, and it's worked well for me. As a jack of all trades, I think you might be much more employable and versatile, as long as you're good enough to do 90% of the projects that come your way. For the 10% that are too hairy and above your head, contract the highly-paid consultant/expert for a fixed

Yep, same happened to me and I had to play catch up and make big efforts to get my ass in gear for a lot of years. Looking to the future, most employers will prefer someone who can get shit done on time and to spec much more than the lazy genius. You can get away with being a lazy genius if you're the owner, but you

I can't count how many times I've had this conversation. If the "investment" is not worth more than you paid for it in inflation-adjusted dollars (including maintenance, storage, or related costs if applicable), then it is simply a purchase/expense. You can still make a smart purchase, like a car that doesn't

I'm not an EMT, but I would imagine that if an ambulance pulls into the emergency drop off, the driver might leave the keys in the ignition so that someone else could move it if he's not back before one or more other emergency vehicles need to pull up.

OK, last one: cash flow as it relates to scope creep and change orders. As the article states, it's great if you can get paid 100% upfront but that never happens on any non-trivial project. Further, on a larger, slower-moving project most clients will get annoyed at receiving weekly invoices.

Too right! Alcoholism is a DISEASE

I legitimately shed a couple tears while reading this. Man, fuck today.

That was one of my first thoughts. You could just break off 2-3 stalks for that purpose, and then use the rest as described in the video. Celery & PB is gross if the stalks aren't fresh though. Usually once the celery starts to get wilty, I use it to at least make a stock or somerthing.

For automotive, there are tons of videos on YouTube for doing all manner of work on a bunch of specific models, and many of the concepts apply universally. Jumping a battery, changing/rotating/patching tires, replacing wiper blades, flushing/replacing all the fluids & filters, etc. are all things I would consider

Had a rape occurred, yes it would be illegal. Just like a murder, throat-slitting, etc. My point is that a rape does not seem to have occurred.

I feel like people's brains have fallen out in an effort to jump on the Tumblr/Jezebel-driven anti-rape train instead of thinking. The whole point of the "yes means yes" campaign is that people who can't say no have not consented - drunk, drugged, mentally disabled, under duress, etc. Logically, you must mean that