
You didn’t make it to the end of the article, did you?

Historically the original trilogy was not planned in advance. Empire Strikes Back could have easily been Splinter of the Mind’s Eye.

Why not? There’s nothing in the lore of Star Wars stating that powerful Force Users can only come from other powerful Force Users.

The discussion is premature, but trans representation has been historically so bad that I think it’s forgivable if people are on edge and on the lookout for red flags. The original Catherine already stepped on a few big landmines with Erica (SPOILER WARNING: deadnaming her, having a shock reveal after a guy slept with

A trans woman isn’t the same gender as a man and a man having sex and/or a relationship with a trans woman doesn’t make him bi or gay.

I mean the very fact that they’re using the reveal of a person being trans for shock value is offensive in and of itself.

LOL because they totally sound like Dre and Cubes writing styles...

Why should he let the people decide for him what he writes?
ohh you murricans’ and your culture of bandwagon hate.

Dre isn’t writing his own lines, let alone someone else’s.

I’m with you on this. CK has shown himself to be acutely self-aware of his myriad faults, and consistently works them into his art (be it stand-up or his tv shows.) Before his assaults went from rumors to accusations (to confessions,) the film was getting considerable attention since it supposedly addresses difficult

Awkward Zombie spitting truth.

You know what I’ve noticed? This line right here:

And what’s wrong with weird? Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 are unquestionably excellent games though. Both in gameplay and narrative. Especially 2, which could have been written this year. 4 and 5 also have great gameplay but they drop the ball with the story.(Though it sort of fits that MGS4 is crushed under the burden of

He got plenty of specifics. And the problem with all of this is this notion that people who disagree with you are biased, which is ironic.

It’s funny that he’s ignored the dozens of posts with very specific examples of how Zelda flipped the genre on it’s head and then you thought it might look less stupid if you also commented as if those comments didn’t exist. It’s a comment thread: you have to read.

Go back and read through the comments. People gave specifics. You chose to ignore them and blindly agree.

They’re not asking for simple inclusion, gay characters are already in there. They are sad that the options that are included are shorter, significantly less polished, and stereotypical next to the straight options, a reality that stings more when it comes from Bioware, a company that prides itself in being

Well, I think it’s pretty simple — they think he’s attractive and they enjoy his relentless positivity & kindness.