Honestly, they’re average games at best. But they carry nostalgia for a lot of people. If you didn’t play them back in the day, you probably won’t be that impressed with them today.
Honestly, they’re average games at best. But they carry nostalgia for a lot of people. If you didn’t play them back in the day, you probably won’t be that impressed with them today.
Mario 64 is still pretty great. Easily on par with something later like Sly Cooper or Jak & Daxter. My only beef with Mario 64 is there is no second analog stick control but that’s more a limitation of the N64.
Wow, that was just a bit condescending... But hey, someone had to take the initiative on the obligatory, “You found something about a video game difficult? Well, let me tell you how much smarter/better I am than you because I figured it out in no time at all,” comment.
This isn’t an opinion piece. Your response is your opinion of the facts presented in the article. I’m happy you enjoyed it, I had a decent time with it as well, but from a design perspective, the fact is the game is heavily flawed.
Hey man, I enjoyed the game,and obviously he did too given the 50 hours, but some of the issues the game has are so elementary it’s hard to argue.
If it were a question of “one error,” I doubt he’d be facing the blowback he’s currently receiving; he’s made anti-Semitic remarks on multiple occasions--the video referenced in this and the previous article just happens to be the most recent (and most talked about at the moment).
It’s perfectly possible to be…
So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.
Got it.
Having read some of the comments on the previous article…
Why would you defend a trash show though?
But ... it plays in the future and all features are 1 to 1 recreations of their real life bodies.
Back when the lineup was selected it was done by vote.
Holy shit, do people actually take memes this seriously? They’re funny pictures with captions not a doctoral thesis on existentialism.
There’s a difference between saying “We have to give folks espousing fascistic ideas equal time!” and saying “We shouldn’t be punching people for exercising their first amendment rights.”
“Hang on, gotta transfar my game... Ok, game transfarred.”
Maybe. I’d rather not be depressed. There’s already enough of bad shit happening in the world. lol
Or they want to piss off nonexistent “SJWS” who they think are somehow offended by this game because no woman wants to date them.
I hope the Strifehearts never see this heinous comment.
Any time a game lets you make a first and last name, shit gets fuckin’ *real*.
What are the naming conventions of this race/clan? Is there a difference between feminine and masculine names? Is there a signifier for family lineage? etc etc. I end up sitting at that name box for a long time while doing research.
I take…
Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.
The only one here that seems to be whining about things that in no way affects them is you. Maybe try growing a thicker skin, bro.
So tell me what specific safe spaces are a bad thing? Hyperbole aside what real safe spaces do more bad than good?