
I’m going to guess these lovely people also oppose abortion, because protecting “babies” is of utmost importance right up until the moment they’re born.

the list of states to be “fucking done with” keeps getting longer and longer

I am a socialist, atheist, opinionated American living in the UK. I desperately want a pet pig and I subscribe to the ‘Sarah Manning’ school of fashion. I would be the royal family’s worst nightmare:

I swear Amber Heard must be some sort of succubus. For years it was “holy shit, Johnny Depp does not age... how does he look so great?” and then, out of nowhere, not any more. Not that there’s anything wrong with looking your age - it was just so sudden in his case. Like he looked thirty for twenty years and then aged

If I never see another Kardashian stomach again, it will be too soon.

Well, he did make the attractive Johnny Depp disappear, so maybe.....?

I wish Johnny Depp would get himself involved in the disappearance of that terrible facial hair.

Do we really have to make it about who gets “chosen” by men? A woman’s worth and beauty is not based on whether or not a hot dude wants to fuck her. I agree with your second sentiment though!

How is a picture of lips with lipstick on them sexualized? There’s nothing sexual about that photo.

Da fuq is this shit?? Seriously?? People will buy anything, amirite?

If this was an actual episode of Desperate Housewives Jill Easter would be Gabrielle Solis.

I think it is too. These types of laws are being used to prosecute women who self-harm during pregnancy, use drugs during pregnancy, or are accused of trying to induce a miscarriage. I remember when GWB signed Laci and Connor’s Law, after the murder of Laci Peterson, and how contentious that was. Yes, what happened to

I oppose any law which gives the same rights to a ball of unviable cells as it gives to a living, breathing person. These laws seem innocuous but in reality they are just part of the Republicans scheming to classify a bunch of unviable cells as a living sentient being.

you’d better fucking believe it

Right? If we are explicitly being told to vote for her because she’s a woman, I think it’s fair for someone to point out that just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she’d be a great President.

Team “Really people?” joining the coalition

We are the team that drinks before noon, right?


Team “oh for the love of god” checking in.

I just want to clarify for those who do not know, the same Catholic doctrine about preserving life “cradle to grave” that make many Catholics anti-abortion, is also anti-death penalty. It is wildly inconsistent, for someone so attached to doctrine (religious or constitutional) for him to be so against the former and