
We are all Left Sharks in a way. Fear of looking a fool in front of an audience is perfectly normal. Let your freak flag fly and be a happy Left Shark! Whhooooohhoooo!!! [pirouettes with joy, crashes into kitchen counter, knocks tea over self but still determined to do ballet classes soon..]

Things I don’t understand.

It will always be a struggle for me- she was my true north, she kept me grounded. She always told me that I was her inner wrath, I gave her strength. It’s always the little things that seem to hit me the hardest.

I don't think I've ever wanted to hug teenagers more in my life. I was super hormonal the first time I saw that and I think I cried harder than when Mufasa died.

And she’s classy enough not to do a mic drop.

This reminds me of that X Factor audition where everyone was ignoring Susan Boyle until she started belting. Go ahead Ms. Lunchlady!

I wonder if each group of Housewives think they’re better than that other group of Housewives?

By real-world standards, Amy Schumer is quite conventionally attractive, and not remotely fat (I believe she’s a size 6). By Hollywood standards, though, she’s a big fat uggo. The jokes and comments she makes about herself are very tame in comparison to remarks routinely made about her by other people.

“Caveman bubble” Yes! Going to add that to “Ammosexual” as my favorite new words for this year! tks!

I laughed out load reading this! It’s funny because it’s true. I don’t even always include hitting the gym, because some guys just was their dogs or bike to work and they still look FINE. Super-fine.

So, here’s what your more nuanced explanation tells me:
A person whose job requires him to analyze pop culture did not do any research before passing judgment on a film/actress he knew nothing about. Said reaction was sexist and assholish. After realizing he was wrong, his back-handed apology only amplified his

Even if all of that is true, he’s still terrible for saying it. Off the charts terrible. It’s ok. We all like people who have said shitty things.

It’s called alcohol.

“Ur so hott Will u go out w me”

Yeah, can we attack his WRITING, as well? Because he sucks at his job, too.


More Mickey Mouse than Mickey and Mallory.

Nonsense, stuff like this happens all over SoCal!

Okay, my class bias is showing here, but I do resent people who get to shoplift *and* are qualified for EBT. One or the other, people — don’t be a double-dipper.