
Always thought she was a complete moron. Every time she would say anything, I imagine someone telling her to just. stop. talking .

And a guy screaming “Murrrricaaaaaaa!!!” At the end.

Proper Training doesn't necessarily remove the Asshole gene though..

Too bad that satanist in NC “committed suicide”. I feel like the two guys coulda been great cellmates.... Or they could have sacrificed each other on the Dark Moon..... Just sayin...

Because he broke the phone that recorded him whilst beating up the wife of the person he was filmed assaulting maybe?

This is not even CLOSE to the same thing. This is a female, still seated, not fighting anybody. Don't compare apples to oranges please.

This. Don’t like my lady bits?? Go fuck yourself or someone else.

This took me manys hours to complete and these people just put trash on the floor and THATS worthy of being called art??? Wtf people who decide this shit???

Every star ever!!!!


thank you:)