
First time I ever opened the door to an Aston I thought "Awesome! I would never hit a curb again in this gorgeous car." It's a great little idea other brands should borrow.

Good news... If Ford can build the GT in secret, they can build a possible Corvette-fighter one day as well (to complement the Mustang) and we may not even know about it until BAM!

YES! This was the most simple, elegant new thing we saw at the Chicago Auto Show too.

Agreed. It ALL looks wonderful at first, but even on my iPhone 6, I can *still* feel exactly where the phone stalls me if it takes 1/2 a second too long for something that logically should happen the instant I touch the screen (the simple act of pressing the home button and watching the home screen 'slide' back...

I owned a BMW for 6 months and was treated so badly on the road, it made me uncomfortable and I traded up to a nice high-end Mustang.

If any of you have sat in the last Volvo S60 R, then you perhaps recall it had the MOST amazing leather interior you've likely ever seen in a sub-$200,000 automobile. That caramel leather with the stunning blue metallic dials? Really gorgeous and unmatched even in modern-day luxury.

I'm on OkCupid and you nailed it — everyone's either a legitimate virgin or a bonafide whore (with recent STD test results, no less).

Words should NEVER incite violence, as that just shows how weak and feeble the perpetrators are, not the speaker.

Such an original show, especially the episode where they installed motion-sensitive switches that would never activate with the black employees (they had to install separate water fountains just for them...)

THIS movie (Kingsman). Oh man, it was waaaaaaaaaay more violent than I ever imagined and the trailer hinted at none of it. That girl with knives for legs scared me.

I finally met one person who owns an Acura and told him straight-up: "You are the only one. Ever. WHAT made you get up one day and say to yourself, 'I want an Acura!' Seriously, why would you voluntarily consider that brand over say, ANY other?" Never got an answer.

We need double-decker highways, freeways and interstates. Maybe some underground stuff too, just for the heck of it.

Rude people like you are the bain of America's existence.

Pretty sure it came from the island of Dr. Moreau.

Technically, TPMS only applies to tires with air, so yeah...

As long as this movie explains to my parents why I ordered "VON DOOM" vanity plates for one of their cars, I'll be happy!

Friendly side note: Anybody buying those giant bottles of Listerine (1.5L) and find em' large and cumbersome to actually use? If you google "Listerine bottle pumps," some online dentists sell pump modules (for the bottles) so that you can stick your bathroom cup next to them, press/pump down twice and have it

ALPR, or automated licence plate recognition technology, has been used by the Big Banks for years! You default on a car loan, they supply your plate information to tow truck companies with IR plate readers mounted on their trucks and if the operators get a hit (using a private database) and tow your car, they make

Soon! :-)