In today's pc world can I just say I identify as female and be able to participate?
In today's pc world can I just say I identify as female and be able to participate?
I’m sure you’re the same person who bitches about men only events and women not being more prominent in men dominated sports. Don’t bitch if given the chance females do the same thing, as shown by this woman only rally. At least the men give women a chance to compete. I like how you assume all men will hit on you…
What fantasy world do you live in where everything has to be equal? Sorry but facts are different sexes like and gravate towards different things. Please tell me more about how 50% of women have to like cars.
You sounds like a well adjusted adult.
Jalopnik, where car buying advise is based on 0-60 per $$ and nothing else, great post guys!! Keep up that great work!
Well yeah you called them out on their bullshit......they never like that.
You buy the BMW or Mercedes if you want to blend in with other managers, you buy the Maserati if you want a taste of Italy. I'll take a taste of Italy personally.
You do not come across as a jerk just someone who does not understand the imperfect nature of human beings.
Cue all the jalops who never buy new cars to start whining.
Yeah because the 2 series is the only rwd performance car in BMW’s lineup lol.
Troll? I remember when I was 10 and called people trolls. Sorry you cannot take criticism about your biased site. Keep being a douche squid who champions for reckless and irresponsible riding and you will end up just another stain on the pavement.
Sorry but this site has been just as bad as YouTube comments. You can put the blinders on if you want but comments about how riders are always in the right and justified in damaging property will continue to litter this site and degrade the content. Sadly this is not the best bike site but another YouTube comments…
I’m not that big of a fallout fan but have enjoyed my time playing it and really have very few gripes. Maybe i’m just not the type to pick something apart but I’ve found everything pretty easy to use and i’m a casual gamer. I guess we just must have a different definition of terrible.
If you are buying a car in this class you literally cannot make a bad choice.
There is no such thing as a superior product. Those who are at the top of their game are all pretty damn close. To expect anything different is asinine. More than 1 company can produce a top tier product.
Nothing says luxury like fake vents! Seriously those filled in plastic fake vents are sooo stupid, thank god for a dremel.
Don’t you ever get tired of the pity party? You white privileged women have it so fucking bad! I feel so sorry for you!
One dealership saying sales are down = global company decline.................................this is reporting folks!
My favorite memory has been being a fan all these years. While I wasn’t the most hardcore of fans it was fun going to the 3 races I did go to and seeing Jeff win at 2 of them was awesome!
Because it does nothing constructive.