
Those led’s look gaudy. Even the Germans are going away from those huge gaudy leds and just having them in the headlights. Also, what is up with that emblem? It looks stuck on with double sided tape.

This is the internet, not perfecting jokes on the internet 101. Who are you to say he is or is not good at presenting jokes in text format?

Kinda troublesome that you know when someone is or is not joking on the internet. Sadly you are just like the OP.

I would have absolutely no problem buying this if the price was within reason. Obviously it would require a closer inspection to make sure no damage from sitting has occurred but from the pictures it looks like it was well taken care of while it was sitting. Be it a 150,000 mile car or a 15,000 mile car they both need

Oh this is from ESPN’s anonymous sources.......they have been great for getting accurate information lol.

Your point? I’m not sure what “its still a Lexus” means. Lexus is one of the most reliable manufactures there are, the LFA went toe-to-toe with the 599. Who wouldn’t want a exotic with Lexus reliability. The LFA presser went 30,000 miles without needing anything other than brakes and tires, I would love to see a

Those who can’t do any of

It’s way more complicated than just naming off a few cars that are still n/a. If you want we can discuss CAFE and how it affects a smaller performance based company vs a company that produces daily drivers and 2 performance models.

They look good to me.

I did not watch it as I felt no need to see spectators get injured or killed, I just went by the description they posted.

I think its funny when people on a message board think their opinion actually matters lol.

There are some things that you should get a second chance for.....This is not one of those things. He was not in the heat of the moment and shoved a ref or yelled in his face........he thought about this, planned it out, and executed a blind side hit on an unaware official would could not ready himself for such a

Seriously hate people like you. You will sell this car to the next buyer and never mention that it was in an accident.

I’m sorry for the families who lost someone :(
Also, Its pretty sad Jalopnik cannot even show a little respect, instead they took the high road and just posted a death video without even sending condolences to the families. Patrick you need to vet pieces like this a little better.

Amazing work, but i’m not a huge fan.

No sympathy need. Lived in Michigan my whole life and have never bought snow tires and have never been in an any winter/snow/ice related accidents. If you drive like a jackass studded tires are not even going to save your ass.

I would assume the number of Prius drivers who thought a Prius would be fun has to be around 9. 9 Prius drivers. Damn near no one buying a Prius does so for fun, its all about the MPG.

That cool and all when it does it on a designated route. That car could not drive from the lower peninsula of Michigan tot he Upper. Sorry but that would not make my road trip this Labor Day weekend to the cabin up north.

These articles are like two babies throwing feces at each other.

No. A hardtop actually looks good with the roof up not like you threw a rug over it.