
Look, IRL I make Cardi B look like a well mannered debutante. I will break a person in half for photographing my kids with our permission. Post that online and I will break you, wait to you heal, and then rebreak you.

It makes me so sad that people with so much money and creativity show up dressed like they ordered a PU costume from Amazon.

4 of 12 is huge representation compared to most of the board rooms I’m in. 

Meh let’s not be overly dramatic. We used to get it on our tv all the time. It’s just the Trump context that makes this one amusing/terrifying. 

Never been in an emergency like that huh?

It’s very important.

You’ll be last man standing.

Stop please 

Nah he does it all from the golden toilet he had installed in the Oval Office.

You try and let us know 


Oh it’s you! I have not seen you here.

Yes agree 

Let’s all be glad he just pushed the wrong button. 

She’s great 

It’s also called “Staten Island Shoulders” 

Meth + HGH = Hulk 

Predators make calculated choices to get access to victims. They make those choices over and over again. 

This article would be more insightful if you covered how the same laws persist in some states in America - where technically a person can go to jail for infidelity. 

Puerto Rican people are Americans as much as any one of us. They are mostly brown and mostly (at least as compared to mainland) low income. Trump clearly shows His preference for whiteness and money by disregarding these American Citizens! A true patriot would act to help Puerto Rico!