If hitting it with a hammer does not fix the problem, then it’s an electrical issue.
Does the genius of Elon Musk know no bounds??????????????????????????
Somewhere a bearded man is yelling at his friends, “THAT 230K MILE TDI... NOT SUCH A BAD INVESTMENT NOW!!!”
Is anyone else as amused as I am that the ALUMINUM truck is the safest?
I want to know if they are going to focus on the subcontractors building the Death Star, do you think storm troopers know how to install a toilet
Is Gawker really calling out people for clickbait? Jeez, pretty easy to forget your roots.
Yeah, I am shocked at the audacity of Jalopnik/Gawker to point fingers on credible journalism. It is pretty ridiculous.
Look, Motor Trend is ... shoot not even yesterday’s news, but do you really want to go into the business of criticizing other media? I mean, glass houses and all? You wanna talk about long boring videos? Let’s be honest, most auto journalists should be read and not seen (that’s a dish on on-screen personality, not…
NOt poking but you guys have something against Motor Trend?
I didn’t know I needed a first gen Montero until now.
I’d badly wanted a Honda CRX Si ever since test driving one back in 1985. I’ve also been wanting to tour the…
D’aww, look at it! Look how happy it is! Like a magical puppy that wants to get sideways, if an NA Mazda Miata can’t…