Down here we have a saying that describes all the associated problems with the redesign.
Down here we have a saying that describes all the associated problems with the redesign.
Yeah, but I only see them when I expand replies.
I used to get email notifications, but none after the redesign.
and make sure he doesn't break anything.
The fact that a lot of my comments are about cricket, and therefore sit grey and untouched has saved me quite a lot of money.
I can see them, but only if expand replies (which means I hardly ever see them), but I can't reply or promote.
Unless that is you click on your username and all it says is "[Your username] has no posts."
They seem to come and go, nothing happens for an hour, then you refresh the page and there's comments with a time stamp from an hour ago that you haven't seen before.
Seeing Avon in Remember The Titans the first time I watched it after The Wire was a shock.
Rugby league starts in a month and runs through to October, perfect cure for the shakes.
Our ancestors were convicts, it's in our DNA.
The Snozzberries guy from Super Troopers in 500 Days of Summer.
I switch between the two, I didn't realise people had such set ideas about which pocket to use.
I think the teaser was just a way to call out the lawyer as a douche bag who tried to stifle the story for no real reason.
I agree, every time a QB, or any high profile athlete gets a new girlfriend there's a ton of coverage about it, just because nothing illegal happened doesn't mean this is a non story.
I don't get why people are kicking up a stink. Do they not realise that she's one who gave AJ all the details and pictures?
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