Lol most 'effective'…. how did you come to that conclusion??
Lol most 'effective'…. how did you come to that conclusion??
Lol my healthcare is actually more expensive now, since I'm young and healthy! A LOT MORE EXPENSIVE!
Oh ok, no, disqus didn't notify me, I come here daily, although, it does notify me when it comes to other sites that I more regularly post on.
Fair question… honestly, I changed my username to this a year or 2 ago! Or something happened, like the Disqus reset or something and I lost ally my previous posts, however, although, I do log on to this website daily, I hardly ever comment on it! As you can tell by my history, I keep my disqus chat usually political,…
And your Username tells me all I need to know about you…. no need to click your history! haha
Lol I've been coming to this site for a few years now, actually! Despite what you read in the NY Times, Conservatives enjoy entertainment as well.. ; )
No, leading the great state of Texas as its Governor for almost a decade and being successful at it got him the job. Being black got Obama the job… see the difference! (I'm Texan, so a lil prejudice, however, I dont think our current governor Rick Perry, would make for a good President at all)
IDK! Who said that, but whoever it was, is an idiot! I'm not a Sarah Palin fan in the slightest, because she's just as incompetent as the Man without a Clue, I just brought up that quote to show hypocrisy. Further proof of MSM hypocrisy is Ted Cruz, when he filibustered Obamcare because he wanted it delayed, he was…
Ummm… how about, if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance? Or You can keep your doctor? Or Premiums would go down by 2,500 per family? Or there are shovel ready jobs ready, only years later to say, 'maybe those shovel ready jobs, weren't so shovel ready,' like being President is some kinds of joke.…
Only if you're a Democrat! If you're a Republican, you can't even say things like "I can see Russia from my house" without your words being taken out of contexts and you being vilified for it…
Yup, sounds like AA to me! Too bad he couldn't bring his "Present" vote with him to the White House! One more question, what had the man ever led before becoming the leader of the free world?
Unless there are American citizens to kill, of course! Then he'll just pop "American Infidels" in the XBOX One and get to blazing away after signing those 'executive orders' with his death pen.
Sorry… people who blatantly lie over and over and over again, get on my nerves!
I guess it is sarcasm, but honestly, I'm just sick of hearing the man talk. People who blatantly lie to your face, really bother me!
The latter! The man had absolutely no credentials for the job prior to being president, other than the ability to give a good speech, which has faded dramatically overtime, maybe because most of America has realized it's just BS. But if he did have credentials, please let me know.
Sarcasm maybe, but not condemning!
That's not condemning someone in the slightest… just nice to know he has so much free time on his hands…. that is all!
When did I condemn the man in my OP over watching TV? Quote please!
After further thought I have decided that we are indeed better off with him being occupied with more important things like TV!
I just said the man should continue staying 'occupied' watching TV! By all means, let him! Just keep him away from new policy decisions.