
@wjbean: Gizmodo also paid for the beer bar iPhone prototype. Glad Chen's not in the lam.

This Indonesian shop (legit, with good rep/feedback) has been selling them for quite some time now..

@SkipErnst: I agree. I would say it shows how far our society has advanced. You just need to see the opposite end of the spectrum to realize how rules actually make life easier/better.

@Walternate: It is very much unnecessary. I'm perfectly happy with muting the iPad by way of holding the volume down button.

"But it's also highly functional—enormous windows provide lighting during the day, with a solar panels juicing bulbs at night."

@apeguero: I have a Jaguar. It does everything my Pinto does plus it gets me chicks... But the Pinto is kind'a cool.

@Zelda did it!: Luke Skywalker got some fashion tips with the bare chest from the master.

@CMYKfellow: Just a bunch of hot air, I guess

@The5thElephant: I'm just glad he didn't start a religion and ruin the memory of him.. like that damn Xenu Hubbard

@karlvb: Are you saying there is a small/some probability that TNT sticks may explode without ignition (lighting up the fuse)?

@tedknaz: but that Ms. Kanaan, I haven't seen her but I'd hit it!

@canuck85: hate to have to explain this but in this story she's high. So I think they made her say that on purpose, that she's almost oblivious to the fact that her friends just died.

A diver friend of mine once told me he's involved in a marine life census (highly possible it's this one) where he would observe on the ocean floor a 1 by 1 meter area at a time, every day for several months and make notes of living organisms he finds.

If this grosses you out, then you don't wanna know what goes into your everyday Oscar Mayer and its brethren.

If this grosses you out, then you don't wanna know what goes into your everyday Oscar Mayer and its brethren.