
Speciesist bear has good taste. His violent salmon looks delicious. Fresh, fresh sashimi.

Oh man, that stuffing coming out of its butt looks so tasty. I want that ass-stuffing (first time that's been said outside of a porno).

That's some full-fledged whackadoo PETA-level shit right there. Ooh, maybe this is a PETA initiation ritual? They have to walk into a restaurant and do their best "Meat is Murder!" rant.

I just made this tasty little guy for dinner! So good.

I've been wondering what would happen to farm animals if we stopped eating them. I could see cows dying out but I worry chickens will remember they used to be dinosaurs. We would be so screwed.

are there serious issues with massive farming?

It's not food, it's violence!

Chickens are assholes. Tasty, tasty assholes.

After splitting from Gwyneth he probably farted for a week nonstop. You know she doesn't allow that behavior in the house.

You college kids are goddamn adorable. ADORABLE.


Hey man, there's like 2 million black NYers that have yet to be killed or beaten. YOU find the time to do all this stuff at once.

Maybe the church can step in and move him to another town where he can be the dad on another show.

On Gawker this morning they mentioned that he also wrote a book called Rag Doll. Here's the summary on Amazon:

You don't wanna go there. They don't have Fridays.

are you for real? not caring is completely understandable. having gone through life literally not knowing there was more than one way to cook an egg is BAFFLING. the thing that is baffling is HE DIDN'T KNOW OTHER WAYS EXISTED, not that he didn't know how to do it himself.

not caring how they're done and not knowing multiple ways TO COOK EGGS are completely different.

Excuse me, but other than telling us what religion we should practice, who we are allowed to marry and what we are allowed to do with our own bodies, the GOP is all about freedom baby!

Seriously. Look at her outfit (bedazzled denim on denim). Look at their house.

Incorrect. The problem is that the current voting populace is filled with droves of poorly-educated people. The lack of critical thinking made Sanford just sail right on through. People didn't vote; turnout was miserable in that election because people variously could not understand the consequences of not voting, or