I was hoping for Brucilla.
I was hoping for Brucilla.
Hey, you stupid fat fuck ... ABORTION SHOULD BE A CHOICE, TOO.
Most vaccines are cheap or free.
That obituary makes me want to vomit.
Piyush Jindal thinks he's white and believes that minorities wouldn't face discrimination if they just acted more like white people.
No. What's missing is Bobby Jindal's understanding of the U.S. Constitution.
This photo makes more sense than Piyush "Call-Me-Bobby" Jindal.
Bobby Jindal is a pandering shitbag and his state is the stinky armpit of America. Other than that, however, he seems nice ...
She can be "interested" but we're NOT.
It's called neanderthal.
These men look like fucking idiots and I'm outraged that anybody would ask a model to wear something like this in public.
She's way better in print than in those commercials. She's boring, she's way too young and way too unsophisticated for either of those brands. (I'd also like to add that Kendall Jenner is a functional illiterate, too.)
I'll bet she's a fun mom.
I bought the Lasko model pictured above from Amazon about two weeks ago to warm up our study at home and I love this damn thing. The remote is awesome. I'm handicapped and I love not having to get up and down to adjust the temperature or start/stop the oscillator. A terrific product at a terrific price.
I bought the Lasko model pictured above from Amazon about two weeks ago to warm up our study at home and I love this…
See, now this is the perfect NRA argument for arming infants. Maybe even in the womb.
You're correct. Jerry Jones was selling standing-room-only on stairwells, in the bathrooms and even in special areas of the parking lot where suckers could watch a Jumbotron. The number of beyond-capacity bodies stuffed into that stadium was terrifying.
Naw. She's just drunk.
Kim Kardashian is most certainly NOT a woman of color, you delusional twit.