
There have been free places for a select group of high-achieving low-income kids at all these schools for many decades.

No question this is Joan of Arc’s ring. What other 15th Century Frenchwoman had a ring engraved in English with

Thank you.

Right. People talk about how disgustingly filthy bathrooms are (which makes me wonder about the conditions in which they live and work), but there are sanitary facilities in there too like hot water, soap, fresh cloths/paper. Surely being near bathroom sinks is a good thing for washing the hands or being able to soak

There ought to be a gonad scan first, so that the hopeful candidate can be shown a picture of all the chromosomal gloop he’s apparently intent on spilling. He can avert his eyes if he wants to. He doesn’t have to look at it. But it’s all in the effort to ensure he understands that the spillage of precious chromosomal

And what’s to stop the doctor doing the ‘ultrasound’ and showing the patient a ‘just now printed’ (er, pre-printed) photo of a 20 week fetus with a thumb-sucking face, wrinkly ears, little butt-crack, waving merrily, wearing a baseball cap with a high school diploma tucked under its arm? The fetus described as a

People have to be able to recognise these red flags - it’s absolutely the difference between investing in a relationship with someone who is mentally and emotionally healthy, stable and complete... or having an utterly traumatic episode with a cluster B personality disordered monster.

This persecuted woman is quite right to believe her well-being is in imminent danger. She needs to apply immediately for asylum in the West where women are free from, oh, no wait...

Promising it would only be ‘five minutes!’ which was then reduced to ‘only two minutes!’ illustrates perfectly his contempt for the poor woman or, probably, any woman. Knowing full well how utterly repulsive he is, and how everything’s All About Him And His Needs, he thinks he’s winning by minimising his intended

What’s more, ‘... on the job’ also has another meaning in Britain. So the headline says (in, ehem, English) that women are finally allowed to wear underpants when they’re having penetrative sex.

Likewise. The indifferent part of my cycle has lasted my whole life so far completely uninterrupted. Onto the menopause FTW.

Rather, if HE isn’t flattered by the attentions that he requires from you, you’ll be shot.

Your gran was a gem.

Old Yeller was rabid. Look what happened to him.

Yep, it’s to stop schoolkids playing the old game of steaming small shops — like eight of them going in, half of them causing a distraction and the other half of them filling their pockets and bags with whatever they can before they’re all thrown out by the owner who was dealing with the distraction and didn’t see the

Brilliant, you’re right, there are very particular West Country references which make it all the richer me luvver.

Abusers invariably grasp at the ‘lying victim/witness’ ring that can get them off or at least elicit a modicum of sympathy towards them. And it’s not just abusers who do this but so do simple-minded, unicorn n rainbows, tippietoes types of people who are (sadly, and tediously) interested in commenting on the story.

This. But it’s the bond holders’ company now. Because there’s nothing to save here in terms of equity. Only debt.

Right. She was in no fit state to know what was in that syringe really, despite her thinking it was morphine. Lots of different drugs available in ERs make your head wheel around and put you in a stupor.

MoMTfB, you illustrate perfectly the Margaret Atwood quote.