you let your 4 year old watch the news? And you think Trump is the problem?!? Holy Sh!t!!!
you let your 4 year old watch the news? And you think Trump is the problem?!? Holy Sh!t!!!
butt...hurt. I love it!!
No, you’re an idiot! We are not a democracy, we’re a republic. If you understood why we have the system we have and you understood that this is the rules we all agreed to a lonnnng time ago, then you’d understand that Hilary DID NOT get elected. That is why many people, MUCH SMARTER THAN YOU, are not arguing that…
Hearing this just made my day! Maybe you should just fatten yourself up, might help your play for disability!
What’s better is watching you old nannies go through serious Butt-hurt for the next EIGHT years! Best part of all!!
You don’t know much about history, do you?
Need to shut the doors on these orgs and maybe beat up the people who support them. That’s what you expected, right?
HAHA, no. This was her dividing people once again. Welcome to a world where you worthless leaches don’t get your way!
“ four years of hard fucking work.” I’d be surprised if you Trump haters do ANY work! That’s most of the problem, you leaches don’t make your own way!!
LOL, this is typical LEFT ranting! Maybe go get a job?
Like Clinton never perpetrated a sexual assault int he whitehouse???
Who is the racist? Whitelash? Look in the mirror! All you spouting this whitelash crap, you’re racist!
It’s what got Obama elected!
Oh boo HOO! Apparently your best talent is WHINING!
The People have spoken, YOU are wrong
Real shocker, the dikes are for the DIKE!
Women should have the right to murder all their mistakes. Yes, a woman getting pregnant is HER mistake!
Read this blog pile and you’ll see how exactly we are raising children to be weakminded pansies!