
Ok I think we have passed the point where you want to have a meaningful exchange of info. That was one example, the man had to move through the dorm to get to the shower, and not all dorm crime happens in the shower. But you already knew this and you cant admit to arguing on the side of a silly point. I think the

I guess you haven’t lived in some of the places I have. I don’t trust first and find out later I was wrong. I start out cautious. Does that mean I call police on people sleeping who are not an immediate threat to me - NO. But I for damn sure don’t go up to randos and introduce myself to them. Where did you grow up,

In this case she definitely wasn’t dangerous. That is not ALWAYS the case. As I replied to others, opportunistic criminals do indeed seek out colleges because the kids are perceived as rich and having a lot of expensive electronics, and also young and naive. For you to act like there isn’t a problem with crime on

Seek help for advocating young women put themselves in danger and verify every stranger they see by introducing themselves. You appear, and I can’t be sure, to not understand that women are the victims of violence - this shit really happens, its not paranoia and its not uncommon on campuses.

I really am not disagreeing with this. Seems reasonable. What I was arguing is someone was saying “Whenever you see a stranger in your dorm, introduce yourself first, then assess the danger”. This is not good advice and could get someone hurt or killed. College students, especially women, are often targeted because of

At my school, people would come into the library and dorms, often people who were of the age they would be students, and attempt to steal laptops. College kids are often careless and trusting, and they have expensive electronics, so this makes them an easy mark. So I stand by my point that suggesting whenever you see

I didn’t say the tiny, well spoken black girl was dangerous. I said advising women, most likely around 18-22, to go up to strangers and introduce themselves is not smart advice, in fact, its very dumb advice.

OK....maybe I’m reading into your comment too much or targeting you for a general behavior on this site. It just seems like dorky white guys are afraid to comment if there is not a “I’m a dumb white guy” type “good joke” that precedes what they are actually trying to say. When I go on white sites it doesn’t seem like

Why do you do that white guy thing where you put yourself down and degrade yourself before you get to the point of your comment. It distracts from your point and is just unnecessary. If you’re uncomfortable as a white guy on the Root you don’t have to be, I self identify as white all the time and the responses are

Nothing to do with POC. We once had a busted-ass white meth head that was creeping around our sorority house. We didn’t approach him and introduce ourselves, the situation played itself out when a group of students walk by and he started ranting at them, then ran off. I would not have advised any women to approach and

I didn’t say the person was dangerous, and in this case they definitely were not. What I was questioning was your advice that when a college aged woman sees someone they don’t recognize in their dorm, they walk up and introduce themselves. I think that is really dumb and still suspect you may be trolling. I was not

Yeah and if the person you “get to know” is dangerous, fight them off and then call police. You are giving really stupid advice. I hope you don’t have children.

Do you always act like this? It is truly exhausting reading your comments, and I’m a white girl. Please stop.

Um you seem pretty dumb, if someone is dangerous and is in a dorm illegally, its usually not a great idea for a girl 18-22 years old to walk up to them and introduce themselves. Are you serious right now? You can’t really be that dumb - you gotta be trolling.

The dean at my school called the cops on a dude sleeping on his porch after a Halloween celebration. It turned out he didnt attend school there and actually had some type of warrants, but still, mild over-reaction.

Please in the future, if you are white, just say so. You don’t have to be scared commenting on the “black” forum to the point that you mis-represent yourself. I always let people know I am white, and they appreciate it. The More You Know.

I think he is white as well. I can just tell sometimes by how he comments.

Not being mean or anything, but you don’t seem that bright.

Guys, before everyone jumps to conclusions, this could have been an honest mistake. I once called police to my sorority house because I thought someone was stealing a push broom. Turns out our regular gardener had hired someone new to assist him and not told us about it. The man was just getting the broom to sweep up