
What debate about morality? Who's being immoral here? The strip club isn't breaking any laws and the church has no business imposing its morality on the rest of society. Period.

Sorry what is your point? Did you have one or nah?

I would love to follow them around t find out just how godly their life is.

While driving to my grandmother's funeral I found myself lost in West Virginia. I grew up in a city so driving in what seemed like the backwoods of West Virginia had me terrified. Then I saw it. There was a baptist church that shared a parking lot with an adult video arcade. It was like my Grandmother knew how bummed

Presuming you are a man, you don't really get to debate what women do with their bodies. In fact I, as a woman, do not get to dictate what other women choose, with their own free will, to do with their bodies. Their bodies, their choice, end of discussion. They should have a safe working environment and should have

"internet WASP snark"

You've got to remember, that for a lot of people (not everyone, but a big chunk) the judging other people is the whole point.

Some very religious people can be really big assholes. I thought they were supposed to let God judge them; they are not God so they need to stop judging all the time.

LOL this was not "the best she could". She could have taken the kid to her car and she just couldn't be arsed to do so. Because fuck all these people, MY convenience is above everything else. Also, I'm a gross motherfucker and I fling poop around where people eat because being a mom is haaaaard, you guys!

As a patron of restaurants. No. This is not okay. I don't care if it was over. This person clearly has no perception of health and no fucking concern for her fellow diners. Why the hell should we want someone like that where we are eating. She should've been kicked out. I would've complained. And I probably would've

They already told you that people did complain. And how is that the best she could?

Yes, this is real. People are like, "There's nowhere to go." But what they mean is, "There's nowhere to go that's 100% convenient for me right here and right now."

Because of fines. Because of health code Because of Shut-Downs and lost jobs. Because it's a violation and wrong. Because SHIT AND FOOD DON"T MIX.

She didn't want to take everyone back to the minivan to do the diaper change.

Shout to all the idiots who are about to flood this post with rants about "ENTITLED CUSTOMERS" who expect businesses to provide them with "LUXURIES" like eating in an area free of exposed human excrement. I know. You hate it when people ask for practical things like basic sanitation that would help them avoid public

Yeah, this is where I draw the line, I'm with the restaurant here (public health hazard). But Jesus, if every McD in the country can splurge for three Koala changing tables each...

Ummmm...if I heard someone say that "abortion has become so easy," I'd probably pounce on their ass too. Easy for whom, exactly?

I had the same thing. A random young fellow told me I looked gorgeous in my work clothes the other day and then asked me if I was single. I showed him my ring and he said 'You have a very lucky partner', smiled, and left. I'm no spring chicken either. This is most certainly not the usual. Even the usual (which is

Lately I have had an influx of extremely polite cat-calls. For example, I was walking home, and a guy called out.

"Miss! Excuse me, miss?"
I turned, completely expecting something terrible. Then...
"Your dress is absolutely lovely."

I've had this compliment THREE TIMES, all from different men. Instead of shouting "Hey big