
You'll notice the show didn't marry any gays. That's why, they didn't want to cheapen this cultural institution by involving those poor misguided souls.

At least from the promo several of these participants sound really desperate: "I've been single for 6 months/1 year/2years!" It can be lonely being single but if that's their upper threshold that causes them to commit to this show, it sounds like they may have some issues that need to be worked out.

And gays are the ones that pose a threat to the so-called sanctity of marriage?

I wouldn't trust any psychologist who agreed to be involved in this mess. I wonder if he or she lost clients by participating in this show.

I read shit like this, and then look over at the FluterDog, who is currently parked face-first in front of the oscillating fan (and loving it), and my heart hurts. ALL THE DOGS can come and live with me. I might need a little help with cleanup, but we'll make it work and no one will die of exposure.

I have this sick feeling that the public now knows that you can kill something (animal, kid) just by leaving it in a hot car. It's less physically aggressive than shooting/choking/drowning or poisoning. It's a getting to be a goddamned epidemic at this point and it's scary. I've been meaning to put a hammer in my

I'm not buying any of these "I forgot" excuses. How do you forget a pet or a baby in a car? I think this woman just said fuck it and decided to go on a Wallyworld shopping spree because hey, a girl deserves a spree at least once in her life and the best place to do it is at one of the cheapest stores in the world with

How do you spend thirteen hours inside a Wal-Mart? What do you do for all that time? You can't spend it shopping can you? I can barely spend a half-hour in a Wal-Mart without losing the will to live.

No shit the HRC supports it. They're a bunch of wankers who only give a shit about gay men. They'll take any chance they can possibly get to tell lesbians, bisexuals and trans people to fuck right the hell off. They're primarily an organization for straight people to feel good about themselves for being "allies".


Ex-husbands of women named Paula. They're probably also very sorry. Really, very truly, sorry.

Turns out that no one really wants to hear song after song about Thicke harassing his estranged wife.

trolling not bad, but the second sentence gives you away. C- !

He should have thought about that when he was cheating.

I am guilty of writing some really bad emo poetry in my teens, but not even my worst could top this nonsense.

Cripes, these lyrics are HORRIBLE.

sad that he can't keep it in his pants? I weep.

that actually explains why he seems emotionally underdeveloped. ending a 20 year relationship must be super brutal, but it's one thing to be desperate and another to be relentlessly obtuse...and desperate.

I think it means that he is the worst person ever and the worst songwriter in history.

I know everyone is focusing on the "little hole" one, but wtf is up with the "hot pot of gold"? Please, PLEASE tell me this is a GoT reference, and someone will be giving Robin Thicke a golden crown pretty soon.