
May Cthulhu and FSM rain blessing upon you, Ms. Feinberg. IOW, THANK YOU!

I find that genuinely gross. "giving" him a child. Like a baby is a tie or something. Sorry (not sorry) but no man is worth "giving" a child to, if you, yourself, don't want one.

My heart breaks for these women. The amount of pressure they were likely under, given the times, must have been rough. And then, to do what you're "supposed" to do and *hate* it? Ugh. Awful.

If that were my life, I could not say that hell does not exist. Because that sounds like my own personal version of it.

The only people I call "breeders" are the parents from STFU parents. ;)

That's so interesting, because I've had the exact opposite experience. The more my friends get married and have babies, they no longer want the non-marrieds, or child-free around. I've been deliberately excluded because I don't have or want kids.

I feel the same way. I would end a relationship with a man who wanted kids, assuming he couldn't or wouldn't be okay with not having them. I don't think it says anything "bad" about either of us. It makes perfect sense.

I don't think they care very much.

Sommers is a moron who couldn't arrive here way out of a paper bag. You whiny pissbabies need to grow the fuck up.

Sure, just keep on ignoring all the links and info from women responding to you and keep repeating your idiotic question. Totally worth our time. P.S. stop creeping women out on OKC.

Ah, yes. NOW I remember why I ran screaming from online dating.

Exactly. So when the women you're talking to are clearly uninterested, move along, creepy old men.

I'm in my 30's. Does this mean they'll stop catcalling me then? Stop running after me asking for my number? Stop sending creepy messages? If so: WHOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!

I feel exponentially worse for that woman now. Not only was she subjected to this, she slept with THAT. *shudder*

THIRTY YEARS OLD? WTF do they ever grow up?

... and that makes no sense. Congrats on sucking at everything.

I think we can probably admit that the only people who will have a problem with this either a) don't actually understand it or b) are rapists or wannabe rapists.

LOL and by "exactly" you mean "not at all".

Ugh. Religion sucks and makes people suck.

Well done admitting to the internet that you are a horrible person who doesn't care about consent, are hostile to then very idea of not being an asshole and see nothing wrong with participating in the violation of other people. Well done. Your complete lack of intelligence is delicious.