
So, let me get this straight. After clearly not reading the article, and after making it clear that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, you're actually telling someone else to learn to think. LOL wow. Stupid was being too nice.

LOL you're stupid.

And oh boy does that confuse them. all women are golddiggers, after all, so his money should get him laid, right? RIGHT?

ketchup on eggs is fucking amazing. You're missing out.

I trust that I wouldn't be eating somewhere that wants me to just "trust" them. That sounds like "there's DEFINITELY a loogie in there".

Gervais is shit. Unfunny, bigoted shit. If you need funny British men who aren't fucking assberets, watch Izzard.

I'd be willing to be you have seen it happen, and just didn't realize it. I see it happen constantly, just by being outside around people. But, I know what to look for. Whereas someone who doesn't experience it would likely not even notice.

Always, because OF COURSE I'm going to take reasonable precautions for my safety. But the list of "advice" for women to keep safe can be more easily boiled down to "don't exist".

1) no one said women don't rape. Stop trying to muddy the waters because you have a stupid argument that was easily destroyed.

This won't fix a single problem. It will, at best, force a rapist to chose another target, which is quite possibly the most heartless outcome.

Ahh, the old "this will fix EVERYTHING so now I don't even have to think!" argument. Pass.

All you tall fucks need to learn to sit on your legs, tuck them out of the way and stop whining that the entire world was set up just for you, except planes.

how is it that obvious trolls got followed by Gawker?

Well, I felt "oppression" made it sound too much like I thought this actually meant something and was important. it's not. And yes, she did humiliate herself. Just because she's laughing too doesn't change the gross sexism trying really, really hard to be 'satire'.

No one said she was forced into it. And women participate in their own humiliations all the time. it was a lame, sexist, totally failed "joke".

needlessly complicated plan or not, the Silence are fraking SCARY. Only the Weeping Angels come close to equaling that kind of scary.

Most importantly - NO TOM CRUISE!!

It seems, once again, that the line between "compliment" and "catcall" is being deliberately blurred. Did she mention the women who are attacked by cat callers? Did she mention that "you're beautiful!" isn't the same as "nice tits, slut!" Anything? Seems too interested in being a Cool Chick (tm) then being honest.

I wonder if it isn't something more like: woman who wants to keep her job writes stupidly sexist article in hopes of impressing the male bosses. Seems too "look at me! I'm one of the good ones! I'm not like those OTHER girls!" to me.

LOL everyone is pointing out what an idiot you are, so I'll refrain from repeating that. You'll just give us more evidence of that anyway, I'm sure. Just wanted to give you props from the Red Dwarf insult.