
I get crazy randy right before and right after my period. Mr. NotTallis is totally down for period sex, but I'm almost never. During I always feel too sick, crampy and awful to even think about it.

This is what makes atheists like me look at feminists who are also religious with confusion and awe. I don't know how you do it, but it's impressive.


I've perfected the art of looking like I'm listening while completely not listening to them. They're boring. Mind numbingly boring.

HAHA you're stupid.

Trolls who whine about imaginary things they are just made up are pathetic! jmls11 is the epitome of this thing!

Oooh! Oooh! You guys! Chuck as an agenda he wants to push! pay attention! It's got fuck all to do with anything, but it's important! Because chuck thinks so!

Totally! Bathroom selfies scream legit!

Right, Because married guys would find professional strippers weird. But amateurs are okay.

asshat is just so overused! assberet is where it's at now.

I refuse to concede the label to them. I've already conceded "skeptic" to them and the word has come to mean "mentally unstable bigot who doesn't believe in Bigfoot". They can't have atheist too.

Which is precisely the problem (particularly in rape culture) - the idea that we, as bystanders, can determine how traumatized a victim is, or should be. Which then leads to the idea that you can "tell" who's the "real" victim and who isn't, by the way they act, or something. I can't agree that the more severe

And a red herring, since the law is not what Dawkins is talking about in those tweets. The law determining the severity of a crime to determine punishment is not under discussion. Dawkins determining the severity of a crime in order to make a stupid point (that he himself doesn't adhere to), and then using that to

The law is complete a red herring in this instance. Dawkins wasn't talking about the law, but instead trying to illustrate basic logic using a stupidly controversial example. Determining the severity of a crime to determine punishment is one thing. Determining the severity of a crime in order tell victims of it

He's such a hypocrite, I can't even. He's telling people to do what he himself doesn't do, using a topic on which he has a terrible history, and one that he knows is going to cause controversy. He's such an asswipe.

Of course it does, once you stop being distracted by "the law" red herring.

how many times are you going to repeat your irrelevant point about "the law".

It's always amusing when someone tries to hide behind "the law", when "the law" wasn't under discussion.

"basic logic" that he himself doesn't use. He's a hypocrite who uses terrible examples.

No, diddums, you're just not allowed to determine for everyone, everywhere, the level of THEIR trauma.