
Sorry, I forgot to close the /snark tab.

Lol by "civility" you of course mean "be nice to the asshole who shits on your carpet". If you want to be nice to this asshole, feel free. But your tone trolling ends with you.

So are you just incredibly satire-impaired, or did you just come over from an mra forum?

Unless they're pregnant, or not white, or poor, or sex workers or

In that case, there MUST be lots of beer and chicken fried rice. It's a medical necessity.

#notallmen Look, sweetums, we know this already. You boys seriously need to grow the fuck up and stop whining every. single. fucking. time. a woman posts about the reality we live in that it's Not All Men. We Fucking KNOW THAT. Better than you do.

Miss Andry!

but but but but It's MISANDRY to . . . . tell the truth . . .

In Law, EVERYDAY is Asshole Day.

LOL the mental picture that conjured is so awesome, I feel like I should pay you for the entertainment.

But are you married?

Did you know that global warming increased after pirates decreased? Therefore, the lack of pirates on the sea caused global warming! It's wapo science!

Maybe it would help if you read the wapo piece before mansplaining it away?

And a gun. With unlimited ammo. Don't forget that.

But do we have to stop making fun of their magic undies?

Is that the Holy Magical Undies?

Little boy, we get it. You're a bigot. You can stop using words you don't understand while repeatedly proving you're a bigot. We get it, sweetie. Now run back to your video games and scream "fag" at the other 12 year olds.

Sweetie, don't use words if you don't understand what they mean, okay?

Here, let me. Whokebe says PAY ATTENTION TO MEE!!!!! Girls are icky!! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!!

Nah, I heard you just fine. Your desperate need for attention was quite clear. Your insecurity complex just about screams non-stop. Poor guy.