
Yes, and you should really go home and get them.

Oh aren't you just a paragon of virtue. STFU.

Your parents didn't love you at all, huh. (<— Now THAT's funny)

Oh fuck you sanctidaddy. It's not fucking funny.

Well, they're pastors. Of course they're making it u as hey go along.

LOL dude, you were acting like an asshole and deserved to be thrown out. Stop whining about it already.

"longer than most of these twats have been alive"

Oh, you're "sure", sans any evidence whatsoever, so therefore no one can call the stupid dress code stupid? Cmon.

Actually, I think it's fat women who dare to not hate themselves, starve themselves and beg for his approval that upset him. A woman empowered is terrifying to a misogynistic coward.

No, they are tricking women into dating them. They are straight up lying about who they are, in order to get dates. And, seriously, read up on PUA tactics if you think there isn't any coercion, manipulation, lying and force involved.

No, they don't. Cheerleaders are far more skilled, require actual training, and can't be done by anyone. Anyone can wear a stupid suit and dance around.

Which is still lying and still wrong. The ends don't justify the means.

Don't be silly! It's really the fault of every woman on earth that he has to troll to get women to talk to him. You know, because he's totally nice and shit.

Awww, poor trolly troll doesn't like being called exactly what he is. Then, stop trolling websites just to desperately beg for female attention.

Translation: ddsshh NEEDS someone to pretend to be him, yo! How else is he going to trick women into talking to him when he can't troll websites?

Totally agreed on the online dating being BS thing.

Sure, if by "fine-tuning" you mean "outright lying"

Everytime I see that picture, my libido threatens to abandon me forever if I don't stop looking at it. Few things kill a ladyboner faster than pix of that dude.

Much like the fedora has come to signify, truck nutz are basically a douchebag bat signal.

I have to admit: it's absolutely terrible and wrong of me, but I can't help feeling a little smug about atheism when shit like this is considered "news". /insufferable jerkitude.