
Translation; Why yes, I'm a white dude. How could you tell?

Is "Absolutely fucking NEVER" an option. Cuz that's what me and Mr. Not-Tallis want.

This is exactly what my kitty does when he decides I've been on the computer long enough. lol

Agreed, assuming they're of an age to understand the wherefores.

Um . . . forgive my ignorance, but isn't this kinda blatantly illegal? Even in Oklahoma?

Everything that mocks teabagging bigots is funny. To me, anyway. They blame Obama for -literally- everything, so mocking them is always funny.

I was responding to the post about the use of cows to feed lions.

Well giraffes are quickly inching toward being an endangered species. Cows, you know, arent.

Lterally the ONLY good part of this story.

Totally serious statement to follow: The "Thanks, Obama" meme NEVER gets old. I can't stop doing it and I still find it hilarious when other people do it.

no no no silly! We are modern women! We get TWO best options. We can either fuck every dude that comes within 5 feet of us, so as not to starve the poor dears and make them HAVE to rape us. Or, we can get married in kindergarten and make lots and lots of babies, thereby making us a man's property and other men

<3 her. She is the standard by which all awesomeness is measured.

I suppose I should get around to watching season 3 now....

You win the internets today.

Anyone else grossed out by all the sad sacks claiming that if their wife doesn't put out on command, they are "allowed" to cheat, but strangely they have no obligation to make themselves desirable or even tolerable to their partners?

LOL is that supposed to be a coherent sentence? Try again, rapey bad lay.


Um, you do realize that participating in the sort of sex a woman likes is not in away what shape or form inequality, right?

Because he's a sniveling coward who thinks that creepily sexist slurs are going to hurt our feelings. Because he's also intensely stupid.

EWWWW now he's hitting on me! Dude, you've admitted to everyone that you're the worst lay in history and think you get to rape your spouse and now you're hitting on me. EWWWWWWWWWWWW. someone blow the stranger danger whistle!! LOL