
The funny part is.. had he been the keynote for the 4s.. the pitchman if you will.. nobody probably would have had a negative thing to say about it.

That's the thing. The Kindle Fire is, quite honestly, everything I want in a tablet, EXCEPT for the storage. Cloud is all well and good, and for 90 percent of the time that's great, but what about traveling? I need something more than 8 gig.

I would gladly pay 20 bucks more for a micro sdhc slot... Is that too much to ask for?

So... Let a plane hit a building...

Cigarettes are disgusting.

If they could there would be 300 dollars headed out of my bank account tomorrow. :P

Know what would be awesome? Amazon Prime already gives you access to their streaming movies. How about an added 10 or 20 bucks (to make it $100/yr even) for unlimited streaming?

I strongly agree that the English language, hell, all written language, needs to be updated with some sort of sarcasm quotes.

In reality:

Yet another good point. One I can't argue, haha.

I understand, but what about browsing the store and looking for new books? I guess I wouldn't be above a popup keyboard with joystick navigation, but compared to just quickly typing it in, that would be a pain in the ass.

This was my thought when seeing it. It looks great... but I would rather have a kindle 3 for the same price and have the keyboard...

I feel you might be underestimating the crowd that watches syfy. Granted, you could also be factoring in the wives of people who watch syfy. :P

This is retarded. If you go too google, expect googly results.

(To the last sentence) Which is sad, because I *greatly* preferred google video.

I was unaware that Google was *physically* carding everyone...

Except it does go on to say "Keep in mind that you can have a public profile without making it findable by search engines such as Google."

When has an internet age restriction stopped anyone from doing anything?

I'll argue 2.