
@ochee_: Haha. Well played.

Damn. I am moving to Oklahoma.

@Spoony Bard: I did too! And I am on such a lucky streak this month. Just the other day I got contacted by this like, rich prince guy. I just sent off a check for 2 grand and should get 2 million in return when he gets free!

It looks like a miniature alienware case...

Sometimes it might be more than losing money, too.

@danman3459: In my dislexia I seem to have read something about losing money on a monkey.

Ok so. Maybe it's really nothing... but they must be doing fire testing.

@WaR_HaWk: At first I disagreed with you, thinking about the achievements of this plane and the stunning air superiority.

What if you're prone to ear infections caused by the glorious thing in which your swimming?

This is retarded. If your stupid enough to have an unsecured wap, you deserve to have all of your data stolen.

@FriarNurgle: The guy in the middle of the Microsoft banner is looking up at all the tabs and going "haha, you're screwed!"

@playdoh: Ha... I totally didn't know that. Thanks for that tip!

@Eric Schauberger: I like the other saying too... when has a crook ever let a locked door dissuade him?


I'd like to give it a shot but... anyone know how often they send out invite codes?

This is actually a really cool idea. Speaking as a photographer, this would be a great way to get yourself seen... if it gains enough traction.

What I would like is a dock similar to the suit functions menu in Crysis... hold down middle mouse and move the mouse in the direction of the program you want, then release middle mouse to launch it.