
If you’re in a car and you swerve, you’re likely to end up in a place that’s not designed for travel. Airplanes are designed to travel in the air and swerving doesn’t remove you from the air, so it’s not the same.

If anyone at Audi North America is reading this, send us the A1/S1 and make it an RS model. I promise I will buy one.

Is EVERYONE at Gizmodo butt hurt about this election? Jesus Christ move on to something else.

Man, I can’t wait until humans ARE ON ANOTHER FUCKING PLANET!

If only this had been a Tire Rack race, crashing into a Tire Rack sign, then colliding with an actual tire rack, Xzibit would have spontaneously combusted.

Plus the obligatory naked dude!

Satellite launches are heavily insured for this exact reason.

I like the believe Musk sabotaged the rocket in an attempt to save humanity for Facebook’s world domination plan.

And the girl barely said anything. No questions, didn’t ask for more detailed instructions, no feedback whether or not she understood the stuff, etc.

So, you design MonsterCable™?

I think what amazed me the most about this was that it was not sponsored by Red Bull.

Next Tavarish project car - “I just bought a stupid cheap cube of Dodge Neon to turn it into a concours winner”

And Trump possesses neither training, nor experience!

A cynical part of me hopes he never gets caught so he can forever be the mystery vigilante fighting against the tyranny of left lane hogs.

The ginger is to blame. He’s what gamers call a “try-hard.” I can’t understand why they hired Chris Harris, yet don’t use him for the power lap-ready car reviews. Such a waste.

There’s a much better way of doing this, folk. Just cut the catalytic converters off the cars. No one even notices, AND it's perfectly legal.

The Mustang’s driver.

Are you proposing a Survivor: Top Gear? I’m not one for reality TV, but this concept may have promise.