
Fuck that. IMS is private property and they should pay people, out of the revenues of their for-profit event, to clean up. Why should anyone subsidize this effort with free labor?

Wait. The private sector comes through again?

My god. A media outlet that is reporting facts, followed by opinions, as opposed to speculation and sensationalism. I tip my hat to you sir.

Neither is the biased defense of a loved one on a news blog. But you’re the managing editor so anything goes, amirite?

Proof that bigger isn’t always better...

I love how the 2 door 1 series had to become the 2 door 2 series to make room for a 4 door 1 series. Much like how the 2 door 3 series became the 2 door 4 series, but there’s still a 4 door 4 series if you want 2 more doors than the 2 door 3 series. Luckily, the 2 door 5 series was always the 6 series, but the 2 door

I will never forgive BMW and Mercedes for just throwing their hands up in the air about engine displacement in model designations.

They don’t fly to EWR


IMHO the best truck to go off-roading is some piece of shit that you don’t care about filling up with dents, scrapes and filth.

After commuting for many months on an older, buzzy cafe type motorcycle, I’ve learned that even the smallest amount of wind protection is very welcome. I also now know that I hate vibration. Good tires, correct suspension and solid handlebars make a huge difference. Good to read you again Damon.

100% can confirm that video games prepared the fuck out of me for my first time driving in the snow (in a parking lot.) So much Scandinavian flick.

The first task I took on myself (with nothing but a Haynes book and a socket set) was an oil change. Then it was a fender and splash shield that needed replacement. I started to collect more tools, and moved on to do a full tune-up, a brake job, and even balljoints.

This works.

If there was ever an article that just needed to be a list.

There’s no such thing as misdiagnosis. Only preventive maintenance.

I used to drive a 2010 Mazda 3 with a 6 speed manual. I never understood why they made the 6th gear so close to 5th. If you do anything above 75 miles an hour you start eating away at gas mileage. It’s not like you can really get decent acceleration in 6th gear anyway so why not make it a taller gear?

I would not mind a 7th cog for the highway.

Gizmodo is reaching for some poli-hate. Must be a slow day.

Roots-type supercharger: Accomplished