AudiAudiOxenFree - Now with only BMWs

Wasn’t this designed to be a standing mile car? Am I thinking of another insane Ferd GT?

Edit: Am dumb. Leterally last thing the post says after the video.


I can’t even be mad. This is all hilarious. Trump is the world’s greatest troll, and he might even get elected president for it.


Like the new star wars?

They’re not at all. Much better to drive than an e class or 5 series, obviously look much better, much more exciting. I’ve got about 1,000 miles in my buddies, including driving it through the adirondaks in a blizzard. Way, way better than an F10.

I bet you’ve never even sat in one...

Top 12 comment all time. I’d send you an award, but it would probably fall in the river I tried to fjord.

Maserati ghiblis come with non-runflat Super Sports!

Root Beer was invented on the wagon trail from Independence, MO to Oregon City, OR in the 1820's. That’s where the name came from. It was ‘the beer of the route.’ Lacking medicine and actual beer, settlers invented a refreshing elixir that would cure everything from broken bones to H1N1. You may be surprised to learn

Oh god no that fucking horrific thing? Dear god it looks like it came out of a Corolla...