AudiAudiOxenFree - Now with only BMWs

TIL Teddy Roosevelt was an all blacks fan

Ha! Look how naive you are! They don’t use pads in Rugby, and those guys never get hurt! Checkmate atheists!

Fair enough; yeah I thought about the road conditions right after I hit publish. Would love to hear honest driving/vehicle dynamic impressions, as if you were driving either without knowing their marque. Thanks!

How does it compare to the 360 to drive on an open country backroad?

That would be succeeding in hiding it. I was thinking bandana, you know like bank robber style, or:

I know right? It actually shows depth and dimension to the character

You just blew my mind’s mind. 3awesome5me


oh god, I just had a meltdown

Now playing

I mean, FM Attack is good and all, but if you’re going Synthwave, Le Matos is where it’s at:

For the record, absolutely NOTHING beats GUNSHIP Fly for Your Life and Tech Noir

Now playing

I mean, Carpenter Brut is good and all, but if you’re going Synthwave, AND Jalop themed, Lazerhawk is where it’s at:

LMAO at all the wannabes who willvspec the car with cup 2s, only to DD them, which aren’t sticky until warm and are as such decidedly worst on the street than super sports, even in dry conditions, unless maybe you live in AZ. It’s like the rich guy who insists on “race skis” to show off with his buddies, who would

Thank you for being the only person on this website that understands what a pilsner is (or isn’t ;)

He’s talking about the genesis of Pilsner style beers, which are definitely Czech

lol at people who think 2500lb sports cars instantly spin around when you lift. and I drive a 335 (see pic) unfortunately i understand throttle oversteer, I don’t know wtf bmw was thinking with this msport spring rates/ strut combo

I understand that

Fair enough. Fun fact: when I was 15 (about 15 years ago), my best friends dad bought a gem mint ‘89 930, we rode around everywhere in it (with his father driving) with my ass stuffed in the back, one of my favorite cars of all time! He just recently sold it for $139k, had 19k miles on it, two owner car.

I get that but come on, we can have the same design sold with 450-650 hp and it doesn’t kill people (talk about an ability to overcook, or power oversteer), I have a hard time believing a 1978 2500 lb 165 hp carrera “always wants to kill you”

This is why I laugh anytime someone makes the tired joke about old Porsches being dangerous/widowmakers or wanting to kill you. A 1973 911T had 169 hp. A 1989 G50 911 had 215hp. On modern tires? Whoopy.

A 996 had 450-475hp, a 997 530-620!!! Now that I can imagine being scary.