
Coming soon to Syfy films ... Ghost Telescope!

Just finished watching the series and I really liked it. The show doesn’t deserve the negative ratings and I actually liked it better than some of the other Marvel NetFlix shows.

All I want from the Flash film is a scene with Flash (Ezra Miller) running through multiple dimensions when he runs alongside Flash (Grant Gustin) for a few seconds.

I recall an interview with Hugh Jackman when you first did Wolverine. He was working out in a gym and a hugh muscle-bound man walked over to him and told him that he better play Wolverine RIGHT. He rolled up his sleeve to show his Wolverine tatoo and said his Pit Bull’s name is Logan. Over the years, Hugh has said he

I read this article and spit out my drink laughing so hard.

The real question is will Darth Vader have a visit by Dr. Ball, M.D.?

Quick question ... does Riverdale seem to have an unusually high number of Redheads? Perhaps it’s because of the Maple Syrup conspiracy?

That’s a good point ... has Vin released a Fast & Furious RPG game?

I thought Olivia Munn did a good job with Psylocke, but the main issue was the script. Hope she’s get a 2nd chance with the character in a X-Force film.

Sorry Rob, I tried - I really tried but I started to get a headache yelling at all the stupid moves. I must be getting old.

A hydroid is seen exploring the Leoso Seamount

Well, this story definitely makes me feel a lot better about my mistakes!

I envision him sneaking up on Garden Gnome saying “You have FAILED this Garden!”

This is why we need competition. DCEU had the first Hero vs. Hero film, the first female-led film, and now the first Oscar winning comicbook film. This will push the MCU to do better and we the fans, will ultimately win.

First, I was hesitant about BvS-DoJ. But after hearing a lot of negative feedback, I finally decided to see the film in the theater. I can say I do not like it.

Yes, EMH was my favorite animated Avengers show. I actually bought the entire series (this is a rare for me).

Thank you and Bless you

PLEASE for love of all that is good ... NO MORE CLONES!

Dude, my little girl LOVED Star Wars. Now that she’s a moody teen, she tells me “Star Wars SUCKS”

Yes! There are dozens of good storylines for Fox to use. All of them were just squandered.