
Amen to that, sister!

Agreed! Thanks for your input. Juicy food for thought.

Agreed on all fronts about what we should be trying to communicate, but I disagree with you about the actual semantics. It's interesting that so many people who feel so similarly have such differing opinions of the strength and connotations of the various terms we've discussed.

Yes, "pro-abortion", "anti-life", etc., etc., etc. I, for one, am totally sick of these semantic games. They are anti-choice because they are anti-abortion. Choice implies that there is something to choose between, and in their opinion, the choice shouldn't be available.

I am with you but disagree with your last statement about anti-choice being stronger. "Anti-choice" is a euphemism if you ask me. Let's call it like it is and make them say the dirty word. Abortion.

I actually disagree with your reasoning behind the "choice" and "life" labels. That side specifically and calculatingly never calls us "pro-choice" when that is clearly what "our side" believes. However, I have heard their side call people like me "anti-life" (HAH!), and I for one am sick of them being so underhanded

Can we please stop calling these people anti-choice? If they refer to us as "anti-life", I believe using "anti-abortion" is an appropriate, clear, and far less euphemistic phrase. That is all.

They didn't just a conservative politician in order to moralize women's health as you very rightly say, but a hired her for the position of Senior Vice President of Public Policy. How to ruin your brand in 24 hours: By Karen Handel.

Maybe I should have waited until after lunch to read the Real talk on the Tuna Noodle Gratin...

Haha, I know you think you may have lost me, but I do see your point. I just think it is important to be sure to make a serious disclaimer when you are discussing a behavior that can be dangerous... maybe not as dangerous as it has been made out to seem in the past, but still ripe with real problems.

Simply because one needs to buy the book in order to read it.

Yes, you are totally right about the health effects of corsets being very real.

I was distracted while watching, and only caught the "sexy" and "restaurant. I assumed the "U" stood for "urban," and that was bad enough... Good Lord!

Rick Santorum seems to agree with that perspective whole-heartedly.

Are you developing any new projects for us to look for in the near future? The episodes you wrote for The Office are some of the very best!

My sister was obsessed with this book. I was obsessed with Krementz's "A Very Young Rider." Wow! What a blast from the past! I was extremely moved by the NYT article, and I would love to know more about the girl from the Rider book.

Haha, of course not, silly! Once the baby is out of its mother's vagina, it will need to pull itself up by its tiny little bootstraps just like the rest of God-fearing America. People are only people to Republicans if they are in fact fetuses in the womb or make over a certain income per year. Duh!

Yes! So true! So many shades of red, too, and while I find the wild, crazy, curly red lovely and fun, it certainly is not what I identify with as a redhead. Although, for a cartoon, it's probably more fun to draw. However, Ariel the mermaid was pretty hot and had a "Real Housewives"-approved mane.

Yes! I remember being soooooo upset that they interrupted TGIF!!! Hah, what a specific memory! Oh God, am I really this old???

Your post was very informative and interesting. Thanks so much for adding to this interesting discussion.