
The point is not that he misread the cellphone. The point is that apparently the only research he does before deciding his lineup is looking up the handedness of the pitcher on his cellphone. And he even screwed that up.

If amtrak ever becomes popular, it will get its own TSA screeners, don't worry

Most CCW holders don't like to broadcast the fact to the world.

Unless the paper says otherwise, I doubt a bunch of concealed carry license holders flocked to a university to help out a study like this.

When the constitution was written, the idiom "well-regulated" meant skillful and effective, not "highly bound in bureaucracy" as it has come to mean today.

That may be true when you just shove a gun in someones hands who has never held one before. But when you carry a gun every day it stops being a big deal, and you hardly even think about it anymore.

1430 - 800 verbal, 630 math

Maybe Japanese people like it?

If anyone ever tries to give me drugs that will kill me if I eat meat, or to starve my wife while she is pregnant to make my children smaller, I will shoot them.

Just imagine that some of the stuff in today's science magazines are just as wrong as that.

I stand corrected. My mental image was a place that was pretty nice other than some bad slums.

The allies had WW1 well in hand without us

Brazil is not really third world

I respectfully disagree

Ahh yes, banning things always prevents them.

Then can have rights once they agree to fishery laws.

I'd be shocked if that sensor is not bad.

I was actually talking about the other half of your statement, but then you knew that.

1. I like this, although if you make it a vote, "pay for more welfare/bombs" will probably win most years.

Why? Is it only possible to stereotype groups that are based on DNA similarities?