Clinton cost Clinton the election.
Clinton cost Clinton the election.
Riddle me this, batman: Why was Clinton hurting for the numbers so badly? If the democrats had run anyone but Clinton they would’ve been able to win this.
Oh, there are a shitload of racists in his coalition. They just don’t identify as racists. But that’s what happens when there is no solidarity in the working class: racial animus serves as stand-in for economic uncertainty.
The numbers show Clinton substantially benefited from Johnson’s performance. Absent his showing, her losses in the Rust Belt would have been that much worse.
Demographics of Trump’s base implicitly showed Rust Belt states were absolutely in play, at least to the extent that shoring up support there was a better use of resources than trips to states she only had outside shots at winning (Iowa, Arizona). Wisconsin elected Scott Walker—more than once. Feingold was trying to…
You mean that the 15,000 people that weren’t gonna vote for her anyway can’t be blamed for Nixon in a Pantsuits’ lack of winning last night?
She ran a poor campaign full of arrogance toward “deplorables” and took her voter base for granted. Trump appealed to working people who are watching their economic futures get worse and worse. The offer to renegotiate NAFTA could have won him the election all by itself. Afa his voters being rabid racists and…
Oh go fuck yourself. Stein was a nonentity. Exponentially more Republican votes were siphoned away for Johnson. Clinton was gifted a rightwing spoiler and her trainwreck of a campaign STILL couldn’t capitalize on the advantage.
Oh fuck your attempt at controlling how people use their right to vote. If HRC wasn’t able to woo them, that’s on her. People have the right to vote for whoever they want and it’s a candidate’s job to convince them they’re the right choice. Period. Blame the Trump voters and the economic disparity that led them to be…
Wisconsin would not have won the election for Clinton. I’m sad for you that you still..don’ Clinton was the problem. Trump and Sanders were the solutions. Unfortunately, Clinton propped up Trump because she thought it smart to gamble the country’s future. She screwed us.
Keep on dividing and see how far that gets you. Divided we fall.
The OP’s line of argument reminds me of the people who blamed Ross Perot for Gore’s loss. It wasn’t Ross Perot’s fault. It was Gore’s fault because he wasn’t as appealling as he thought he was.
No. In an election this close you don’t take swing states for granted. That’s horrible strategy. Sure, don’t go crazy there, but to never campaign there at all? No excuse.
“ask Clinton herself why she never stepped fucking foot in Wisconsin this whole time.”
Wait, she didn’t even VISIT Wisconsin?
Yeah if all the white wimen voted for Clinton instead of Trump then Clinton would be president. seriously you want to get mad a Jill Steins get the fuck out of here.
Don’t run a neocon disguised as a democrat and this shit wouldn’t happen.
They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.
She could have had all of Steins vote, including winning WIsconsin and Michigan and she would have still lost handidly, like it would still be a huge blow out.