Maybe I’ll make a male-only sarcastic comment compilation, so more attention gets paid to this vastly underrepresented demographic.
Shut up.
True, but usually it’s the guards being dicks or that privileged kid of the Jarl. The guards still have authority over you and you’re still in the kid’s dad’s domain whenever you go see him (unless you depose him, I suppose).
Here’s hoping they add a couple of Just Cause rockets so you can attach them to Mama Murphy’s chair.
Wait.. the Utopia YOU created?!?
I don’t want a “kill Marcy Long” option. I want a “kick her ungrateful ass to the curb” option. Seriously, lady, if you hate this glorious golden wasteland utopia I’ve built - overflowing with free food, water, and electricity - guarded both by automatic systems and by several of the toughest SOBS to ever wander the…
Sure, bad stuff happened to her. But they don't leave any other option in the game other than listening to her all the time. If there was some kinda quest to help her find peace or if after time she warmed up just a bit, people wouldn't want to rid themselves of her so much. Hey, my wife was murdered in front of me,…
I actually feel sympathetic for Jun. He is depressed and can barely find reason to live but he gets up, does the daily work, and tells you about trying his best and to not let his crazy wife get to you as she is grieving too. Then Marcy comes over and barks at him for whatever reason.
Right, it’s not like the player’s character had a loved one murdered right in front of them... oh wait, that’s right. Not to mention a son who’s current status is “complicated”. And in the middle of looking for their son and seeking revenge, the player took time out of their busy schedule to save Marcy Goddamn Long’s…
It’s pretty obvious that, at least until launch, no one at Bethesda pondered what effect it might have on the player to have an unkillable settler at their main base - someone they’d have to pass by and hear constantly - who constantly berated them for how shitty the settlement was and they are, no matter how much you…
Hi, in game I’m also a father dealing with a possibly kidnapped child while my wife was murdered in front of me. Now I’ve set you up in a nice settlement with tons of defenses, clean water, and food. The least you can do is not yell at me that you don’t want to be my friend when I just want to trade some things.
Dude, after hours and hours of playtime she still acts like a total fucking asshole everytime I walk near here. She can fuck off and die.
Was I the only person whose RPG senses were wrong when I expected some sort of quest to be attached to Jun and Marcy’s backstory? “These were the raiders, kill them, retrieve Baby Memento, I’ll stop sulking/being rude” etc etc.
“Marcy Long’s crimes against humanity include being mean to the player whenever you try to talk to her.” Yeah, but this is after I’ve risked life and limb hundreds of times to make her life (and the world) better, while she mopes around in the utopia I created by *hand* for her.
Years ago I saw a psychic and she said I was a major ladies man who had girlfriends all over the place.
With that backwards gif, it looks like LaBeouf is preparing for a proctology exam.
I believe he just sat in a room with NBC’s Matt Lauer and put on a performance that wouldn’t even have been good enough for a People’s Choice nomination.