Oy -_-
Oy -_-
My mother-in-law had some dog while in Korea in the 80s. But she wasn't horrified or anything - her reaction was "Some people keep chicken as pets. Doesn't mean I am gonna stop eating chicken."
Wooooooowwwwww. People are THICK. They probably thought they had found some killer loophole to the whole insurance process.
His place is so clean and generically decorated! Do you think he used the photos from the ads before he moved in, and photoshopped the Lays in to add some personality, or do you think he cleaned up real nice before taking pictures so he could prey on the homeless girl of his dreams?
I know, right? Youth group pizza parties with Christian Alt-Rock pastors is the ultimate cliche.
He played bass in a Live cover band.
My Pub Quiz Team name is "The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures" and no one gets it. No one. I cry.
This. This is just the best. Despite being from the least religious of non-religious families, we were occassionally forced into contact with Super Relatable Friend Guy Youth Pastor, in the form of my parents using youth group as free after-school care. It was the worst. He played bass in a Live cover band.
I spent many years as a server and actually rather enjoyed it. (Thanks to having a miserable narcissist for a father, I rather excelled at meeting people's impossible needs.) A struggling single mom, it was a great way to have cash in my pocket. One day, however, said father came in for a meal. I waited on him hand…
Oh, Clone High. I still quote thee daily and I cry when no one knows what I'm referencing. *single tear*
"'It's OK, I promised her husband, before he killed himself, she'd never be alone. She hates to be alone.' She shook her head, 'All that crazy's just up there all the time.'"
And again, two hours. Two. Exactly one hour and fifteen minutes longer than people that aren't evil would have stayed, as anyone that truly believed in our Lord and Savior Jesus Heffernan Christ and his teachings would have looked at our hours on the door, and been all, "Let's order to go," or, "Let's go bother the…
Miss Pauling has actually been a character for a long while now. This is the first we've seen an actual model or hear an actual voice, though; up until this point she's only appeared int he comics.
Playable Miss Pauling. Make it happen, Valve!
'I have been doing nothing, but teleporting bread.'